Bray ~ 1881
Night of 3rd April
Detail |
Gen of Head |
England. Civil Parish of Kensington. Registration
district of Kensington. Source RG11/34/53/59. Household
sched 355. Address: 11 Martin St. James Bradshaw. Head. Mar. Age 39. Bricklayer. Born Herts Buntingford. Mary A Bradshaw. Wife. Mar. Age 38. Born Herts Buntingford. William Bradshaw. Son. Age 17. Born Herts Buntingford. Elizabeth Bradshaw. Dau. Age 14. Born Middx St Pancras. Floria Bradshaw. Dau. Age 12. Born Middx St Pancras. Charles H Bradshaw. Son. Age 10. Born Middx St Pancras. Walter J Bradshaw. Son. Age 6. Born Middx Kensington. Frederick Bradshaw. Son. Age 3. Born Middx Kensington. Albert Bradshaw. Son. Age 9 mths. Born Middx Kensington. |
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England. Civil Parish of Hammersmith. Registration
district of Fulham. Source RG11/55/63/3. Household sched
16. Address: 36 King St East. Emily Wicks. Serv. Unm. Age 24. General Serv. Born Herts Great Hormead. |
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England. Civil Parish of Fulham. Registration district of
Fulham. Source RG11/68/33/41. Household sched 214.
Address: 2 London Villas, Fulham Rd. Alfred A Croucher. Head. Mar. Age 28. Sanitary Inspector. Born Hammersmith Middx. Fanny Croucher. Wife. Mar. Age 29. Born Buntingford Herts. Alfred G Croucher. Son. Age 1. Born Hammersmith Middx. Henry W Croucher. Son. Age 8 mths. Born Hammersmith Middx. |
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England. Civil Parish of Chelsea. Registration district
of Chelsea. Source RG11/79/25/44. Household sched 317.
Address: 94 White Lion St. James Barker. Head. Mar. Age 46. Grocer & Cheesemonger. Born Herts Braughing. Sarah Ann Barker. Wife. Mar. Age 39 Born Middx St George Hanover Sq. Louisa S Barker. Dau. Age 11. Scholar. Born Middx Chelsea. Walter R Barker. Son. Age 7. Scholar. Born Middx Chelsea. Herbert G Barker. Son. Age 1. Born Middx Chelsea. George Ward. Nephew. Unm. Age 20. Assistant. Born Essex Harlow. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/176/46/38. Household
sched 259. Address: 136 Arlington Rd. George Lucas. Head. Mar. Age 42. General Laborer. Born Herts Little Munden. Betsy Lucas. Wife. Mar. Age 46. Born Herts Gt Hormead. George H Lucas. Son. Age 17. Barrister's Clerk. Born Middx Hoxton. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/195/39/46. Household
sched 349. Address: 39 Calthorpe St. Herbert Smith. Head. Mar. Age 26. Commercial Clerk (Scotch Linens). Born Islington Middlesex. Edith P Smith. Wife. Mar. Age 19. Born Siston Gloucestershire. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/209/62/27. Household
sched 150. Address: 48 St Paul Rd. Clifford Smith. Boarder. Age 16. Clerk. Born London. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/214/137/80. Household
sched 455. Address: 1 St Anns Gdns. Henry Gatward. Head. Mar. Age 25. Railway Porter. Born Herts Therfield. Emily Gatward. Wife. Mar. Age 29. Born Herts Therfield. William J Gatward. Son. Age 4. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Herbert H Gatward. Son. Age 2. Born Kentish Town. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/214/138/81. Household
sched 457. Address: 2 St Anns Gdns. James Jones. Head. Mar. Age 23. Railway Breakerman. Born Herts Kelshaw [sic]. Harriet Jones. Wife. Mar. Age 22. Born Herts Theirfield [sic]. William J Jones. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Theirfield. Henry Anderson. Brother. Age 19. Carman. Born Herts Theirfield. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/221/124/37. Household
sched 200. Address: 49 Lawford Rd. Stanley Smith. Lodger. Unm. Age 24. Accountant. Born Middlesex. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration
district of Pancras. Source RG11/223/54/20. Household
sched 118. Address: 89 Leighton Rd. Lucy A Watson. Serv. Unm. Age 21. Domestic Servant General. Born Herts Therfield. Robert Partridge. Serv. Unm. Age 24. Butcher Journeyman. Born Norfolk. |
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England. Civil Parish of Islington. Registration district
of Islington. Source RG11/236/30/10. Household sched 258.
Address: 2K Beaconsfield Buildings. Samuel Bray. Head. Mar. Age 40. Carman. Born Hertfordshire. Emma Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Born Hertfordshire. James Bray. Son. Age 13. School. Born Hertfordshire. John Bray. Son. Age 10. School. Born Hertfordshire. Elizabeth Bray. Dau. Age 8. School. Born Hertfordshire. Samuel Bray. Son. Age 5. School. Born Hertfordshire. |
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England. Civil Parish of Islington. Registration district
of Islington. Source RG11/251/117/38. Household sched
209. Address: 62 Stanley Rd. Thos Bray. Head. Mar. Age 37. Joiner. Born London. Betsy Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 40. Born London. Annie Bray. Dau. Age 13. Born London. Alice Bray. Dau. Age 11. Born London. Geo Bray. Son. Age 8. Born London. Arthur Bray. Son. Age 5. Born London. Florence Bray. Dau. Age 3. Born London. Thos Bray. Son. Age 8 mths. Born London. Elizabeth Bray. Widow. Age 63. Born London. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Mary Islington. Registration
district of Islington. Source RG11/255/81/29. Household
sched 142. Address: 126 Canonbury Rd. William Hoye. Head. Mar. Age 58. Tailor. Born Herts Aspeden. Mary Anne Hoye. Wife. Mar. Age 57. Born Middx London. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Mary Islington. Registration
district of Islington. Source RG11/259/29/5. Household
sched 238. Address: 37 (illegible). Thomas A Smith. Head. Age 33. Distiller's Cler. Born Hoxton Middx. Emily M Smith. Wife. Age 32. Born Hoxton Middx. Arthur Wontner Smith. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Hoxton Middx. Percy W Smith. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Hoxton Middx. Cyril W Smith. Son. Age 4. Scholar. Born Hoxton Middx. Howard W Smith. Son. Age 2. Born Hoxton Middx. Clifton W Smith. Son. Age 4 mths. Born Hoxton Middx. |
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England. Civil Parish of Islington. Registration district
of Islington. Source RG11/274/66/25. Household sched 141.
Address: 32 Bedford Ter. William D Grimsey. Head. Mar. Age 27. Bricklayer. Born Middx Islington. Emma Grimsey. Wife. Mar. Age 25. Born Herts Therfield. Emily Grimsey. Dau. Age 3. Born Middx Islington. Elizabeth Grimsey. Dau. Age 1. Born Middx Islington. Florence Grimsey. Dau. Age 2 mths. Born Middx Islington. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Mary Stoke Newington.
Registration district of Hackney. Source RG11/284/8/11.
Household sched 43. Address: 102 Milton Rd. Thomas Devo. Head. Wid. Age 54. Agent General. Born Bethnal Green Mdx. Thomas (Junr) Devo. Son. Age 16. Plumber. Born Shoreditch Mdx. Elizh Roberts. Housekeeper. Wid. Age 42. Servant Hsekeeper. Born Islington Mdx. Richard Roberts. Lodger. Unm. Age 22. Shorthand writer. Born Islington Mdx. |
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England. Civil Parish of St John Hackney. Registration
district of Hackney. Source RG11/288/63/17. Household
sched 71. Address: 63 Jenner Rd. Emily Ball. Serv. Age 15. General Servant. Born Middlesex Mile End. |
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England. Civil Parish of St John Hackney. Registration
district of Hackney. Source RG11/292/36/8. Household
sched 48. Address: 56 Tottenham Rd. George R Batts. Head. Mar. Age 27. Builders Carman. Born Middx Kingsland. Mary Ann Batts. Wife. Mar. Age 27. Born (Hampshire) Basingstoke. Bessie L Batts. Dau. Age 6. Scholar. Born Middx Kingsland. |
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England. Civil Parish of St John Hackney. Registration
district of Hackney. Source RG11/301/19/31. Household
sched 185. Address: 23 St Philip's Rd, Hackney. William H Dendle. Head. Mar. Age 34. Shop Walker. Born Devon, Barnstaple. Emily Dendle. Wife. Mar. Age 25. Born London. Emily F Dendle. Dau. Age 1. Born London. Frederick S Dendle. Brother. Unm. Age 31. Grocer. Born Devon, Barnstaple. Amelia Gibson. Sister in Law. Age 33. Saleswoman. Born London. |
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England. Civil Parish of St George Bloomsbury.
Registration district of St Giles. Source RG11/319/115/8.
Household sched 21. Address: 19 Woburn Place. George L Wingate. Head. Mar. Age 40. Solicitor. Born Lambeth Surrey. Fanny H Wingate. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Born Springfield Essex. Alice G Bray. Niece. Un. Age 20. Born Tottenham Middx. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Clement Danes. Registration
district of Strand. Source RG11/336/21/35. Household
sched 198. Address: 10 Craven Bldgs. Philip Watson. Head. Mar. Age 30. Turncock. Born Herts Thurfield. Emma Watson. Wife. Mar. Age 28. Born Herts Bovingdon. Florence E Watson. Dau. Age 3. Born Middx Islington. Geo E Watson. Son. Age 2. Born Middx St Clements. Edith Watson. Dau. Age 8 mths. Born Middx St Clements. |
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England. Civil Parish of St Giles Cripplegate.
Registration district of London City. Source
RG11/372//4/1. Household sched 1. Address: 30 Jewin
Street (Redcross St). Together with many others: George Watson. Serv. Unm. Age 19. Warehouse Porter. Servant. Born Hertford Thurfield. |
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England. Civil Parish of Shoreditch. Registration
district of Shoreditch. Source RG11/408/11/16. Household
sched 84. Address: 55 Queens Rd. Chas W Winter. Head. Mar. Age 39. Gas Meter Worker. Born England. Alice Winter. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Born Middx Dalston. Chas Alfd Winter. Son. Age 12. Scholar. Born Middx Haggerston. Albt Edwe Winter. Son. Age 9. Scholar. Born Middx Haggerston. Walt Wm Winter. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Middx Homerton. Arthur Hy Winter. Son. Age 2. Born Middx Homerton. |
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England. Civil Parish of Shoreditch. Registration
district of Shoreditch. Source RG11/408/12/18. Household
sched 96. Address: 45 Queens Rd. Richd. Chas. Batts. Head. Mar. Age 56. House Painter. Born Middx Clerkenwell. Esther Batts. Wife. Mar. Age 58. Born Herts Buntingford. Edwin J Batts. Son. Age 19. Boot finisher. Born Middx Hackney. Ellen Amelia Batts. Dau. Age 17. Living at home. Born Middx Hackney. |
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England. Civil Parish of Hamlet. Registration district of
Mile End Old Town. Source RG11/478/113/38. Household
sched 233. Address: 1 Spring Garden Rd. Sarah Ann Moule. Head. Unm. Age 21. Laundress. Born Middx Mile End. Alice Ball. Sister. Age 16. Laundress. Born Middx Mile End. |
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England. Civil Parish of Mile End Old Town. Registration
district of Mile End Old Town. Source RG11/481/27/48.
Household sched 273. Address: 12 Florenstone St Pt
Houses. James Moule. Head. Marr. Age 38. Brewers Drayman. Born Barking Esses [error]. Betsy Moule. Wife. Mar. Age 43. No birth place. Elizabeth Moule. Dau. Age 18. No occupation. Born London. Mary Ann Moule. Dau. Age 11. No occupation. Born London. |
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England. Civil Parish of Mile End Old Town. Registration
district of Mile End Old Town. Source RG11/487/123/3.
Address: Mile End Old Town Workhouse School. Together with many others: Jesse Ball. Age 13. Scholar. Born Middx Mile End Old Town. |
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England. Civil Parish of Southwark St George Martyr.
Registration district of St Saviour Southwark. Source
RG11/525/26/46. Household sched 226. Address: 14 Peter
St. John Bray. Head. Mar. Age 37. General Laborer. Born Hertfordshire Baldock. Elizabeth Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 47. Born Essex Elmden. George Edw. Knight. Son. [error] Age 15. Bricklayer. Born Surrey Southwark. Sarah E Clark. Boarder. Age 12. Scholar. Born Surrey Southwark. Kate Clark. Boarder. Age 10. Scholar. Born Surrey Southwark. |
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England. Civil Parish of Southwark St George Martyr.
Registration district of St Saviour Southwark. Source
RG11/525/29/52. Household sched 266. Address: Peter St. John Bray. Head. Mar. Age 33. General Labourer. Born Herts Baldock. Caroline Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 27. Born Middlesex Mary. Eda G Bray. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Surrey Southwark. Charles Bray. Son. Age 8 weeks. Born Surrey Southwark. |
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England. Civil Parish of Newington. Registration district
of St Saviour Southwark. Source RG11/538/124/27.
Household sched 164. Address: 17 Frederick Rd, Newington. Charles Hoye. Head. Mar. Age 36. Tailors Clerk. Born London. Sarah Hoye. Wife. Mar Age 37. Born Essex Gt Leighs. |
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England. Civil Parish of Lambeth. Registration district
of Lambeth. Source RG11/605/39/8. Household sched 41.
Address: 193 Wandsworth Rd. Walter Barker. Head. Unm. Age 30. Grocer & Cheesemonger. Born Herts Braughing. Ellen Barker. Niece. Unm. Age 21. Born Herts Braughing. Henry Ward. Nephew. Age 15. Assistant in grocer shp. Born Essex Harlow. |
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England. Civil Parish of Lambeth. Registration district
of Lambeth. Source RG11/629/58/6. Household sched 30.
Address: Station Road. Christian Butcher. Head. Mar. Age 29. Painter. Born Cambridge. Emily Butcher. Wife. Mar. Age 26. Born Kent Bromley. |
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England. Civil Parish of Putney. Registration district of
Wandsworth. Source RG11/661/45/3. Household sched 159.
Address: The Cedars No 19. Emily Freeman. Serv. Unm. Age 20. Gen Serv Cook. Born Herts Kelsey. |
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England. Civil Parish of Camberwell. Registration
district of Camberwell. Source RG11/674/119/47. Household
sched 251. Address: 45 Wilson Rd. Vincent Smith. Boarder. Unm. Age 21. Clerk Mantle Manufacturer. Born Middlesex Canonbury. |
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England. Civil Parish of Camberwell. Registration
district of Camberwell. Source RG11/677/29/52. Household
sched 234. Address: 1 Caswell Terr, Camberwell. In the home of Charles Horsnell and family: Ellen Hoye. Visitor. W. Age 54. Nurse. Born Kent, Chatham. |
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England. Civil Parish of Camberwell. Registration
district of Camberwell. Source RG11/689/23/40. Household
sched 193. Address: 15 Cornwall Rd, Camberwell. William T Hay. Mar. Age 40. Clerk. Born Hoxton Middx. Jane M Hay. Wife. Mar. Age 39. Born Hoxton Middx. Charlotte M Hay. Dau. Un. Age 18. Ironer. Born Walworth Surrey. William T Hay. Son. Age 16. Errand Boy. Born City Middx. Frank Hay. Son. Age 12. Scholar. Born Walworth Surrey. Thomas C Hay. Son. Age 11. Scholar. Born Peckham Surrey. Richard A Hay. Son. Age 9. Scholar. Born Peckham Surrey. Ellen F Hay. Dau. Age 6. Scholar. Born Peckham Surrey. Emma L Hay. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Peckham Surrey. Minnie J Hay. Dau. 3 m. Born Peckham Surrey. Florence Hay. Dau. Age 2. Born Peckham Surrey. |
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England. Civil Parish of Lewisham. Registration district
of Lewisham. Source RG11/734/25/44. Household sched 193.
Address: 6 Cambridge Villas. Walter George Smith. Head. Age 31. Commercial Clerk Tea Trade. Born Hoxton Middlesex. Eleanor Smith. Wife. Age 31. Born Berkshire Reading. Edith Eleanor Smith. Dau. Age 1. Born Kent Lewisham. Jessie Smith. Sister. Age 29. Born Hoxton Middlesex. |
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England. Civil Parish of Lewisham. Registration district
of Lewisham. Source RG11/736/14/21. Household sched 98.
Address: 2 Elderton Rd. John Corbett. Head. Mar. Age 37. Carpenter. Born Herts Ware. Julia M Corbett. Wife. Mar. Age 35. Born Essex Billericay. Albert C Corbett. Son. Age 13. Scholar. Born Herts Bennington. Annie R Corbett. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Kent Forest Hill. Catherine Julia Corbett. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Kent Sydenham. Nathaniel J Corbett. Son. Age 6 mths. Born Kent Sydenham. |
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England. Civil Parish of Walton on Thames. Registration
district of Chertsey. Source RG11/765/7/8. Household
sched 29. Address: High St. John H Smith. Head. Mar Age 30. Ag Labourer. Born Baldock Hertfordshire. Martha Smith. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Born Norton Hertfordshire. Arthur W Smith. Son. Age 14. Born Gildersome Yorkshire. Alfred Smith. Son. Age 13. Born Baldock Hertfordshire. Berty Smith. Son. Age 8. Born Baldock Hertfordshire. Ernest G Smith Son. Age 5. Born Baldock Hertfordshire. Lucy J Smith. Dau. Age 2. Born Walton on Thames. Kate Smith. Dau. Age 1. Born Walton on Thames. |
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England. Civil Parish of Dartford. Registration district
of Dartford. Source RG11/865/29/1. Household sched 1.
Address: 1 High Street, Dartford. William Bray. Head. Mar. Age 57. Hotel Keeper. Born Middlesex, Chelsea. Eliza Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 59. Born Essex, Billericay. Emily Bray. Dau. Unm. Age 26. No occupation. Born Kent, Dartford. Clara Bray. Dau. Unm. Age 25. No occupation. Born Kent, Dartford. Together with many servants. |
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England. Civil Parish of Chevening. Registration district
of Sevenoaks. Source RG11/906/75/15. Household sched 76.
Address: Lenards Lodge, Chevening. Henry E Brown. Head. Mar. Age 32. Dairy farmer of 10 acres. Born Kent, Blackheath. Charlotte Brown. Wife. Mar. Age 24. Born Kent, Dartford. Eliza Emily Brown. Dau. Age 1. Born Kent, Groombridge. Edith M Brown. Dau. Age 10 mo. Born Kent, Stone Dartford. |
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England. Civil Parish of Birchington. Registration
district of Thanet. Source RG11/983/103/14. Household
sched 78. Address: Margate Road. William Dowton. Head. Mar. Age 32. Coachman (Dom Serv). Born Herts Therfield. Julia Dowton. Wife. Mar. Age 26. Born Herts Therfield. William G Dowton. Son. Age 1. Born Kent Birchington. |
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England. Civil Parish of Newhaven. Registration district
of Lewes. Source RG11/1073/33/61. Household sched 281.
Address: 4 East View Terrace. Isaac Clark. Head. Age 36. Ships Carpenter. Born Sussex Bishopstow. Annie Clark. Wife. Age 35. Born Herts Wademill. Edmund Clark. Son. Age 12. Scholar. Born Sussex Newhaven. George Clark. Son. Age 10. Scholar. Born Sussex Newhaven. Emily Clark. Dau. Age 8. Scholar. Born Sussex Newhaven. Phillip Clark. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Sussex Newhaven. Ann Smith. Mother in Law. Wid. Age 63. Born Middx London. Edmund Smith. Brother in Law. Age 38. Pensioner Naval. Born Cambs Meldreth. |
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England. Civil Parish of Holdenhurst. Registration
district of Christchurch. Source RG11/1195/111/48.
Household sched 209. Address: Balmoral. John Smith. Head. Mar. Age 58. Accountant & House Agent. Born Herts Braughing. Hephzibah Smith. Wife. Mar. Age 55. Born Middlesex London. |
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England. Civil Parish of Chipping Barnet. Registration
district of Barnet. Source RG11/1369/87/14. Household
sched 68. Address: Wood Street. Charlotte Watson. Visitor. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Buntingford. |
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England. Civil Parish of Tottenham. Registration district
of Edmonton. Source RG11/1380/44/18. Household sched 82.
Address: 16 Brunswick Building. William Clements. Head. Mar. Age 28. Carman. Born Herts Bradford. Lucy A Chapman. Wife. Mar. Age 27. Born Herts Therfield. William Clements. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Middx Tottenham. Elizabeth Clements. Dau. Age 2. Born Middx Tottenham. Henry Clements. Son. Age 1 mth. Born Middx Tottenham. |
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England. Civil Parish of Tottenham. Registration district
of Edmonton. Source RG11/1384/164/63. Household sched
281. Address: 2 Andrews Cott. Charles Southey. Head. Mar. Age 36. Brushmaker. Born Middx Islington. Ester Southey. Wife. Mar. Age 35. Born Middx Charlton. Martha Southey. Dau. Age 11. Born Middx Hackney. Eliza Southey. Dau. Age 9. Born Middx Stratford. Charles Southey. Son. Age 4. Born Middx Tottenham. Richard Southey. Son. Age 2. Born Middx Tottenham. . |
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England. Civil Parish of Tottenham. Registration district
of Edmonton. Source RG11/1387/121/16. Household sched 87.
Address: 4 Finsbury Road, Tottenham. Together with George Saltmarsh (48) and family: Henry Girling Bray. Batchelor. Age 38. Archt & Surveyor. Born Essex, Chelmsford. |
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England. Civil Parish of Tottenham. Registration district
of Edmonton. Source RG11/1387/129/32. Household sched
170. Address: Fullers Almshouses Nightingale Road. Elizabeth Nicholls. Widow. Age 71. Inmate of Fullers Almshouse. Born Herts Buntingford. |
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England. Civil Parish of Edmonton. Registration district
of Edmonton. Source RG11/1388/9/12. Household sched 73.
Address: 39 Claremont St. Phillip Chapman. Head. Mar. Age 32. General Labourer. Born Herts Therfield. Julia Chapman. Wife. Mar. Age 33. Born Herts Therfield. William Chapman. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Middx Edmonton. Ellen Chapman. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Middx Edmonton. Frederick Chapman. Son. Age 3. Born Middx Edmonton. John Chapman. Son. Age 2. Born Middx Edmonton. |
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England. Civil Parish of Broxbourne. Registration
district of Ware. Source RG11/1399/95/45. Household sched
253. Address: Whitley Rd. George Porter. Head. Mar. Age 34. Painter. Born Herts Hoddesdon. Caroline Porter. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Born Herts Braughing. Rosetta Porter. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Norfolk Kings Lynn. Florence Porter. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Norfolk Kings Lynn. Samuel J Porter. Son Age 2. Born Herts Hoddesdon. |
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England. Civil Parish of Eastwick. Registration district
of Ware. Source RG11/1400/5/4. Household sched 13.
Address: Eastwick. William Roblett. Head. Mar. Age 44. Horse Keeper. Born Buntingford Herts. Louisa Roblett. Wife. Mar. Age 42. Born Cheshunt Herts. |
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England. Civil Parish of Great Munden. Registration
district of Ware. Source RG11/1403/28/5. Household sched
23. Address: Nobles. William Cock. Head. Mar. Age 46. Farmer. Born Herts Yardley. Betsy Cock. Wife. Mar. Age 37. Born Herts Yardley. Mary Cock. Dau. Unm. Age 18. Born Herts Gt Munden. Henry D Cock. Son. Age 13. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Munden. William Cock. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Munden. Bessie C Cock. Dau. Age 4. Born Herts Gt Munden. Charles H Cock. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Gt Munden. Ellen Jelly. Niece. Age 2. Visitor. Born Lincolnshire Stamford. |
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England. Civil Parish of Standon. Registration district
of Ware. Source RG11/1403/51/4. Household sched 22.
Address: Bartrams. Henry Munt. Head. Mar. Age 36. Born Herts, Ardley. Elizabeth Munt. Wife. Mar. Age 38. Born Herts, Wareside. Emily Elizabeth Munt. Dau. Age 8 mo. Born Herts, Standon. David Munt. Father. Mar. Age 58. Visitor. Born Herts, Ardley. Mary Munt. Mother. Mar. Age 62. Visitor. Born Herts, Aspeden. |
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England. Civil Parish of Braughing. Registration district
of Bishop Stortford. Source RG11/1408/31/23. Household
sched 99. Address: Braughing Bury. Eliza Ann Jones. Serv. Unm. Age 20. General Servant. Born Kelshall Herts. |
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England. Civil Parish of Braughing. Registration district
of Bishop Stortford. Source RG11/1408/34/30. Household
sched 127. Address: Green End. Walter Phillips. Head. Mar. Age 31. Carpenter & Joiner. Born Manuden Essex. Margaret Phillips. Wife. Mar. Age 31. Licensed Victualler. Born Braughing Herts. Mary Ann Barker. Mother in Law. Widow. Age 70. Retired Publican. Born Braughing Herts. |
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England. Civil Parish of Braughing. Registration district
of Bishop Stortford. Source RG11/1408/35/32. Household
sched 137. Address: Green End. Thomas Smith. Head. Mar. Age 66. Tailor & Draper. Born Braughing Herts. Caroline Smith. Wife. Mar. Age 63. Born Braughing Herts. Catherine Smith. Sister. Unm. Age 55. Dress Maker. Born Braughing Herts. |
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England. Civil Parish of Braughing. Registration district
of Bishop Stortford. Source RG11/1408/47/17. Household
sched 89. Address: Church End. Jonas Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 54. Quick Plaster Board Contractor. Born Herts Braughing. Anne Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 40. Born Herts Braughing. Emily Edwards. Dau. Age 11. Scholar. Born Herts Braughing. Florence Edwards. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Braughing. William Edwards. Son. Age 4. Scholar. Born Herts Braughing. Alfred Edwards. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Braughing. |
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England. Civil Parish of Anstey. Registration district of
Royston. Source RG11/1409/12/17. Houehold sched 79.
Address: Snow End Grocers Shop. Thomas Barker. Head. Wid. Age 74. Grocer etc. Born Herts Anstey. Emma L Wick. Dau. M. Age 36. Born Herts Anstey. John Wick. Son in Law. Age 35. Gardener. Born Herts Hare Street. Mary A Wick. Grand dau. Age 11. Scholar. Born Herts Anstey. Emma E Wick. Grand dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Anstey. Alfred L Wick. Grand son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Westmill. Leonard H Wick. Grand son. Age 3. Born Herts Westmill. |
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England. Civil Parish of Aspenden. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1409/20/2. Household sched 6.
Address: Aspenden, Buntingford. Esther Hoye. Head. Unm. Age 60. Confectioner. Born Herts, Aspenden. Jane Hoye. Sister. Unm. Age 55. None. Born Herts, Aspenden. Sarah Jane Cocks. Relative. Unm. Age 12. Born Herts, Munden. Agnes Cocks. Relative. Unm. Age 9. Born Herts, Munden. |
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England. Civil Parish of Aspenden. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1409/22/5. Household sched 22.
Address: Aspenden Meeting Alley. Thomas Watson. Head. Mar. Age 37. Laborer. Born Herts Layston. Charlotte Watson. Wife. Mar. Age 35. Born Herts Layston. Annie Watson. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Layston. Emma Watson. Dau. Age 4. Scholar. Born Herts Layston. Elizabeth Watson. Dau. Age 3. Scholar. Born Herts Aspenden. Ellen Watson. Dau. Age 1 mth. Born Herts Aspenden. Thomas Roblet. Brother in Law. Age 29. Laborer. Born Herts Layston. |
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England. Civil Parish of Aspenden. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1409/24/10. Household sched 49.
Address: Aspenden The Folley House. James Roblett. Head. Mar. Age 40. labr. Born Herts Buntingford. Ann Roblett. Wife. Mar. Age 38. Born Herts Buntingford. Charlotte Roblett. Dau. Age 18. Servant. Born Herts Buntingford. William Roblett. Son. Age 15. Laborer. Born Herts Buntingford. John Roblett. Son. Age 11. Scholar. Born Herts Buntingford. Elizabeth Roblett. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Buntingford. |
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England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/60/4. Household
sched 22. Address: Hare Street. Thomas Wick. Head. Mar. Age 66. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Mary Wick. Wife. Mar. Age 68. Labour's Wife. Born Herts Braughing. |
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England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/61/5. Household
sched 31. Address: Hare Street. Joseph Wick. Head. Wid. Age 46. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Mary Wick. Dau. Age 16. Housekeeper. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Emily Wick. Dau. Age 12. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Hormead. |
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England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/61/6. Household
sched 35. Address: Hare Street. Joseph Wick. Head. Mar. Age 45. Straw Carter. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Martha Wick. Wife. Mar. Age 43. Born Herts Anstey. Walter Wick. Son. Age 21. Straw Carter. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Louisa Wick. Dau. Age 17. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Alfred Wick. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Albert Henry Wick. Son. Age 2. Born Herts Gt Hormead. George Wick. Son. Age 9. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Hormead. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/64/12. Household
sched 69. Address: Gt Hormead. George Wick. Head. Mar. Age 54. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Sarah Wick. Wife. Mar. Age 55. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Samuel Wick. Son. Unm. Age 21. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Henry Wick. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/65/13. Household
sched 73. Address: Gt Hormead. Charles Wick. Head. Mar. Age 40. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Elizabeth Wick. Wife. Mar. Age 46. Born Herts Anstey. David Wick. Son. Unm. Age 20. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Joseph Wick. Son. Age 18. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Walter Wick. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Charles Wick. Son. Age 11. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Mary Wick. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Hormead. James Wick. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Alfred Wick. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Hormead. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/65/13. Household
sched 76. Address: Gt Hormead. Walter Spicer. Head. Mar. Age 25. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Anne Spicer. Wife. Mar. Age 24. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Mary A Spicer. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Rose Spicer. Dau. Age 3. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Emily Spicer. Dau. Age 3. Born Herts Gt Hormead. William Spicer. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Gt Hormead. |
8 |
England. Civil Parish of Great Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/65/13. Household
sched 77. Address: Gt Hormead. William Wick. Head. Mar. Age 65. Ag Lab. Born Herts Gt Hormead. Sarah Wick. Wife. Mar. Age 65. Born Herts Gt Hormead. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Little Hormead. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1409/73/1. Household
sched 4. Address: Hare Street. George Oakley. Head. Mar. Age 31. Born Braughing Herts. Maria Oakley. Wife. Mar. Age 39. Born Cottered Herts. Arther Oakley. Son. Age 6. Born Hare Street. (HERS) Sarah Oakley. Dau. Age 2. Born Hare Street. (THEIRS) |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Layston. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1410/4/1. Household sched 1.
Address: Market Hill Buntingford. Esther Roblett. Head. Wid. Age 67. Ag Labourers Widow. Born Herts Aspenden. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Layston. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1410/8/9. Household sched 44.
Address: High St Buntingford. Edward Roblett. Head. Mar. Age 44. Ag labourer. Born Herts Buntingford. Emma Roblett. Wife. Mar. Age 29. Born Herts Sandon. Henry Roblett. Son. Age 15. Milk boy. Born Herts Buntingford. George Roblett. Son. Age 12. Tanner's Labourer. Born Herts Buntingford. Edward Roblett. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Herts Buntingford. Fanny Roblett. Dau.Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Buntingford. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Rushden. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1410/37/13. Household sched 57.
Address: Spartan Lodge. Joseph Roblett. Head. Mar. Age 32. Ag Lab. Born Herts Layston. Emma Roblett. Wife. Mar. Age 27. Born Herts Aspenden. Sarah Roblett. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Layston. William Roblett. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Layston. Arthur Roblett. Son. Age 3. Born Herts Layston. Ellen Roblett. Dau. Age 8 mths. Born Herts Rushden. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Ashwell. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1411/13/20. Household sched 106.
Address: Back Street. James Bray. Head. Mar. Age 57. Ag Lab. Born Herts Buckland. Hannah Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 58. Born Herts Stevenage. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Barkway. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1411/59/2. Household sched 8.
Address: Barkway Road. George Freeman. Head. Mar. Age 41. Coal Carter. Born Herts Therfield. Mary Ann Freeman. Wife. Mar. Age 35. Born Herts Royston. Nathan Freeman. Son. Age 9. School. Born Herts Royston Barkway Rd nr Royston. Ernest Freeman. Son. Age 7. School. Born Herts Royston Barkway Rd nr Royston. Rebecca Freeman. Dau. Age 6. School. Born Herts Royston Barkway Rd nr Royston. Louisa Freeman. Dau. Age 4. School. Born Herts Royston Barkway Rd nr Royston. Francis Freeman. Son. Age 2. Born Herts Royston Barkway Rd nr Royston. Walter Freeman. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Royston Barkway Rd nr Royston. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Great Chishall. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1411/96/12. Household
sched 72. Address: High Street. Joseph C Carter. Head. Mar. Age 34. Agricultural Labourer Born Cambs Melbourn. Emma Carter. Wife. Mar. Age 33. Born Essex Heydon. Emily Sloper. Dau. Age 12. Scholar. Born Essex Heydon. Charles Carter. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Middlesex London. Alice M Sloper. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Kent Beckenham. Mary A E Carter. Dau. Age 2. Born Essex Gt Chishall. Joseph H Carter. Son. Age 1. Born Essex Gt Chishall. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Heydon. Registration district of
Royston. Source RG11/1411/113/10. Household sched 55.
Address: Village. Elizabeth Elsom. Head. Wid. Age 67. Formerly Laundress. Born Herts Therfield. Sarah Elsom. Dau. Unm. Age 27. Laundress. Born Essex Heydon. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Kelshall. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1411/130/6. Household sched 29.
Address: Church End. William Mole. Head. Mar. Age 43. Straw Binder. Born Herts Therfield. Eliza Mole. Wife. Mar. Age 39 Born Herts Therfield. Frederick Mole. Son. Age 12. Ag Lab. Born Herts Kelshall. Ada Mole. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Kelshall. Charles Mole. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Kelshall. William Mole. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Herts Kelshall. Emily Mole. Dau. Age 3. Scholar. Born Herts Kelshall. Walter J Mole. Son. Age 7 mths. Born Herts Kelshall. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Royston. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/80/34. Household sched 117.
Address: Back Street. Joseph Coote. Head. Mar. Age 22. Fishmonger. Born Herts Royston. Susan Coote. Wife. Mar. Age 23. Born Herts Royston. Joseph H Coote. Son. Age 1 mth. Born Herts Royston. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Royston. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/100/10. Household sched 54.
Address: 6 Kneesworth St. At the home of Albert Pooley: Caroline Hagger. Servant. Mar. Age 24. Housekeeper. Born Cambs Royston. Lotty Hagger. Visitor. age 3. Born Cambs Royston. William Pegram. Visitor. Wid. Age 63. Born Herts Hormead. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/110/3. Household sched 10.
Address: Therfield. James Warren. Head. Mar. Age 38. Coachman. Born Herts Therfield. Tryphena Warren. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Born Herts Therfield. Arthur Warren. Son. Age 17. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. William Warren. Son. Age 15. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Edward Warren. Son. Age 12. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Annie Warren. Dau. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Lizzie Warren. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. James Warren. Son. Age 3. Born Herts Therfield. Frederick Warren. Son. Age 4 mths. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/111/6. Household sched 23.
Address: Ho, Therfield. Phillip Noades. Head. Mar. Age 39. Publican. Born Herts Therfield. Mary Noades. Wife. Mar. Age 39. Born Herts Therfield. Hephzibah Noades. Dau. Age 16. Born Herts Therfield. Ebenezer Noades. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Charles Noades. Son. Age 11. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. James Noades. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Julia Noades. Dau. Age 6. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Catherine Noades. Dau. Age 6. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Arthur Noades. Son. Age 4. Born Herts Therfield. Horace Noades. Son. Age 2. Born Herts Therfield. Lavender Noades. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/113/10. Household sched 45.
Address: Dane End. Edward Hagger. Head. Mar. Age 50. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Ann Hagger. Wife. Mar. Age 50. Born Herts Therfield. William Hagger. Son. Unm. Age 23. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. John Hagger. Son. Unm. Age 21. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Lucy J Hagger. Dau. Age 19. General Servant. Born Herts Therfield. James H Hagger. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Mary A Hagger. Dau. Age 12. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Clara Hagger. Dau. Age 4. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. James B Hagger. Grandson. Age 3. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/117/17. Household sched 86.
Address: Rooks Nest. William Freeman. Head. Mar. Age 48. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Emma Freeman. Wife. Mar. Age 56. Born Herts Therfield. William Freeman. Son. Age 16. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Annie Freeman. Dau. Age 13. Born Herts Therfield. John Chapman. Grandson. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/124/2. Household sched 8.
Address: The Green. James Tucker. Head. Mar. Age 34. Baker & Grocer. [No birthplace] Lucy Tucker. Wife. Mar. Age 40. Born Herts Therfield. William J Tucker. Son. Age 11. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Annie M Tucker. Dau. Age 9. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Harriet Tucker. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Charles E Tucker. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. John G Tucker. Son. Age 3. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. James H Tucker. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/125/3. Household sched 13.
Address: Judge's Court. Henry Bullard. Head. Mar. Age 31. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Mary Ann Bullard. Wife. Mar. Age 34. Born Herts Therfield. Henry J Bullard. Son. Age 11. Born Herts Therfield. Emily E Bullard. Dau. Age 9. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Anne Bullard. Dau. Age 6. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Lizzy Bullard. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Lucy Jane Bullard. Dau. Age 3. Born Herts Therfield. Frederick Bullard. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. Frank Bullard. Son. Age 0. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/125/4. Household sched 21.
Address: Hay Green. James Watson. Head. Mar. Age 28. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Jane Watson. Wife. Mar. Age 26. Born Herts Therfield. Annie Watson. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. George Watson. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Alice Watson. Dau. Age 3. Born Herts Therfield. Henry G Watson. Son. Age 1 mth. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/125/4. Household sched 23.
Address: Hay Green. Jane Noades. Head. Widow. Age 63. Dress maker. Born Herts Therfield. Eliza J Bullard. Grandaur. Unm. Age 17. Dressmaker's assistant. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/125/4. Household sched 24.
Address: Hay Green. John Freeman. Head. Mar. Age 68. Ag Lab. Born Herts Chipping. Eliza Freeman. Wife. Mar. Age 65. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/127/7. Household sched 43.
Address: Church Lane. Sarah Hagger. Head. Widow. Age 88. Ag Laborer's Widow. Born Herts Therfield. |
5 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/127/8. Household sched 48.
Address: Well Head. James Jones. Head. Mar. Age 52. Dealer (General). Born Herts Kelshall. Mary Jones. Wife. Mar. Age 52. Dealers WIfe. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/128/9. Household sched 51.
Address: Paddlers Lane. William Watson. Head. Mar. Age 32. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Susan Watson. Wife. Mar. Age 34. Born Herts Therfield. Walter Watson. Son. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Emma Watson. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Ada Watson. Dau. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. William Berry. Stepson (son of wife). Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/129/12. Household sched 69.
Address: Mill Lane. Thomas Freeman. Head. Mar. Age 36. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Elizabeth Freeman. Wife. Mar. Age 34. Born Herts Therfield. Fanny J Freeman. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Edward T Freeman. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Ellen Freeman. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Willie Freeman. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Frederick Freeman. Son. Age 2. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/130/13. Household sched 71.
Address: Carters Hill. Thomas Gatward. Head. Mar. Age 35. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Julia Ann Gatward. Wife. Mar. Age 30. Born Herts Therfield. Thomas C Hagger. Stepson. Age 9. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Emily Hagger. Dau. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/130/13. Household sched 73.
Address: Carters Hill. William H Rand. Head. Mar. Age 35. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Emma Rand. Wife. Mar. Age 37. Born Herts Therfield. George Rand. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Walter Rand. Son. Age 12. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Harry Rand. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Therfieldd. Frederick Rand. Son. Age 3. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Arthur Rand. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/131/15. Household sched 83.
Address: The Causeway. Nathaniel Rayner. Head. Mar. Age 43. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Jane Rayner. Wife. Mar. Age 39. Born Herts Therfield. Nathaniel Rayner. Son. Age 17. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Arthur Rayner. Son. Age 15. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Fanny Rayner. Dau. Age 11. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Sarah A Rayner. Dau. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Willie Rayner. Son. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Frederick Rayner. Son. Age 4. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Florence M Rayner. Dau. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/133/19. Household sched 96.
Address: The Thrift. Edward Watson. Head. Mar. Age 59. Shepherd. Born Herts Therfield. Lucy Watson. Wife. Mar. Age 58. Born Herts Therfield. Joseph Watson. Grandson. Age 17. Shepherd. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Therfield. Registration district
of Royston. Source RG11/1412/135/23. Household sched 108.
Address: Wicker Hall. Edward Noades. Head. Mar. Age 40. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Henrietta Noades. Wife. Mar. Age 40. Born Herts Therfield. Henry J Noades. Son. Age 18. Ag Lab. Born Cambs Royston. Edward Noades. Son. Age 12. Ag Lab. Born Herts Therfield. Amos Noades. Son. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. John Noades. Son. Age 7. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. Elizabeth E Noades. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Therfield. James Noades. Son. Age 3. Born Herts Therfield. Philip Noades. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Therfield. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Barrington. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1413/18/15. Household
sched 75. Address: Haslingfield Rd. Thomas Barker. Head. Mar. Age 44. Journeyman Miller. Born Herts Braughing. Esther Barker. Wife. Mar. Age 43. Born Cambs Foxton. Thomas Barker. Son. Age 18. Journeyman Miller. Born Cambs Barrington. Walter Barker. Son. Age 14. Ag Lab. Born Cambs Barrington. Henry J Barker. Son. Age 11. Scholar. Born Cambs Barrington. Clara Barker. Dau. Age 8. Scholar. Born Cambs Barrington. Elizabeth A Barker. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Cambs Barrington. Arthur Barker. Son. Age 1. Born Cambs Barrington. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Bassingbourn. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1413/71/9. Household
sched 43. Address: The Fleet. William Carter. Head. Mar. Age 33. Ag Labr. Born Cambs Royston. Elizabeth Carter. Wife. Mar. Age 52. Born Herts Therfield. William Hy Hagger. Son in law. Unm. Age 20. Stable Lad. Born Herts Royston. Albert Edwd Hagger. Son in law. Age 14. Stable Lad. Born Herts Royston. Emily Jane Hagger. Grandau. Age 8. Scholar. Born Herts Royston. Julia Annie Butcher. Visitor. [Dau in law]. Mar. Age 25. Born Herts Therfield. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Bassingbourn. Registration
district of Royston. Source RG11/1413/74/16. Household
sched 82. Address: Mackerel Hall. Edward Hagger. Head. Mar. Age 49. Ag Labr. Born Herts Therfield. Ann Hagger. Wife. Mar. Age 47. Born Herts Sandon. William Hagger. Son. Age 22. Ag Labr. Born Herts Therfield. Frederick Hagger. Son. Age 12. Scholar. Born Cambs Bassingbourn. Elizabeth Hagger. Dau. Age 7. Scholar. Born Cambs Bassingbourn. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Baldock. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/11/16. Household sched 99.
Address: High St. Joseph Scoot. Head. Mar. Age 27. Ag Lab. Born Herts Baldock. Sarah Scoot. Wife. Mar. Age 23. Born Herts Baldock. Alice Scoot. Dau. Age 4. Born Herts Baldock. Edith Scoot. Dau. Age 2. Born Herts Baldock. George F Scoot. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Baldock. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Baldock. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/40/8. Household sched 41.
Address: Orchard Rd. George Dilley. Head. Mar. Age 28. Ry Labr. Born Herts Baldock. Eliza Dilley. Wife. Mar. Age 26. Born Herts Baldock. Louisa Dilley. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Herts Baldock. George Dilley. Son. Age 2. Born Herts Baldock. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Baldock. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/43/13. Household sched 69.
Address: Victoria Cottages Nr 6. William Scoot. Head. Mar. Age 25. Ag Labr. Born Herts Baldock. Jane Scoot. Wife. Mar. Age 21. Straw Plaiter. Born Herts Royston. Clara Scoot. Dau. Age 2. Born Herts Baldock. |
8 |
England. Civil Parish of Baldock. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/47/21. Household sched 113.
Address: Back Side. Henry Bray. Head. Mar. Age 28. Malt Maker. Born Herts Baldock. Eliza Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 28. Straw Plaiter. Born Herts Willian. Elizabeth Bray. Dau. Age 4. Scholar. Born Herts Baldock. Henry James Bray. Son. Age 2. Born Herts Baldock. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Baldock. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/47/21. Household sched 114.
Address: Back Side. Henry Bray. Head. Mar. Age 54. Ag Lab. Born Cambs Buckland. Kezia Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 52. Born Herts Baldock. Jane Bray. Dau. Age 21. Straw Plaiter. Born Herts Baldock. Charles Bray. Son. Age 20. Ag Lab. Born Herts Baldock. James Bray. Son. Age 18. Ag Lab. Born Herts Baldock. George Bray. Son. Age 15. Ag Lab. Born Herts Baldock. Ellen Bray. Dau. Age 13. Scholar. Born Herts Baldock. Ann Bray. Dau. Age 10. Scholar. Born Herts Baldock. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Bygrave. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/61/8. Household sched 4.
Address: Bygrave Lane. Matilda Anderson. Head. Wid. Age 46. Straw Plaiter. Born Baldock Herts. Thomas Anderson. Son. Age 18. General Labourer. Born Wellingborough Northampton. Mary Ann Anderson. Dau. Age 14. Straw Plaiter. Born Baldock Herts. George Anderson. Son. Age 10. Scholar. Born Baldock Herts. James Anderson. Son. Age 8. Scholar. Born Baldock Herts. William Anderson. Son. Age 4. Scholar. Born Baldock Herts. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Clothall. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1416/87/21. Address: Clothall
End. John Smith. Head. Widr. Age 61. Gardner. Born Herts Norton. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Little Wymondley. Registration
district of Hitchin. Source RG11/1417/129/2. Household
sched 10. Address: Lt Wymondley. James Bray. Head. Mar. Age 30. Ag Lab. Born Herts Baldock. Emma Bray. Wife. Mar. Age 30. Born Herts Gt Wymondley. Florence Bray. Dau. Age 5. Born Beds Stotfold. Minnie Bray. Dau. Age 3. Born Herts Lt Wymondley. Rosetta Bray. Dau. Age 1. Born Herts Lt Wymondley. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Hitchin. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1419/71/4. Household sched 17.
Address: Green Lane. Mary Ann Bray. Serv. Unm. Age 16. Housemaid Domestic Servant. Born Herts Baldock. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Hitchin. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1419/112/38. Household sched 188.
Address: Walsworth. James Saunders. Head. Mar. Age 35. Groom & Gardener. Born Herts Walsworth. Elizabeth Saunders. Wife. Mar. Age 30. Born Herts Baldock. Fredk C T Saunders. Son. Age 1. Born Herts Walsworth. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Hitchin. Registration district
of Hitchin. Source RG11/1421/109/3. Address: Hitchin
Union Workhouse. Together with many others: William Bray. Inmate. Widower. Age 73. Farm Labourer Ploughman. Born Herts. |
6 |
England. Civil Parish of Aston. Registration district of
Hertford. Source RG11/1422/4/1. Household sched 1.
Address: Aston Farm. In the home of Maria Carter (69), retired farmer: Charles Munt. Boarder. Unm. Age 27. Born Ardeley, Herts. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Hertford St John. Registration
district of Hertford. Source RG11/1425/108/1. Address:
Christs Hospital Hertford School. Together with many pupils: Amelia Florence Gibson. Scholar. Age 11. Born London. |
8 |
England. Civil Parish of Watford. Registration district
of Watford. Source RG11/1439/114/15. Address: St Pancras
Industrial Schools, Leavesden. Together with many others: Rosetta Lomas. Pauper Inmate. Age 12. Louisa Lomas. Pauper Inmate. Age 9. Albert Lomas. Pauper Inmate. Age 6. |
8 |
England. Civil Parish of Upper Gravenhurst. Registration
district of Ampthill. Source RG11/1633/64/8. Household
sched 22. Address: Upper Gravenhurst. Isaac Chamberlain. Head. Mar. Age 34. Ag Lab. Born Bedfordshire Upper Gravenhurst. Jane Chamberlain. Wife. Mar. Age 25. Hat Sewer. Born Herts Therfield. William Chamberlain. Son. Age 6. Scholar. Born Beds Upper Gravenhurst. Alfred Chamberlain. Son. Age 4. Scholar. Born Beds Upper Gravenhurst. Georgina Chamberlain. Dau. Age 2. Born Bedfordshire Silsoe. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Higham Gobion. Registration
district of Ampthill. Source RG11/1633/74/2. Household
sched 4. Address: Higham Gobion. William Page. Head. Mar. Age 22. Ag Laborer. Born Beds Gravenhurst. Clara Page. Wife. Mar. Age 23. Born Herts Therfield. Ada Ann Page. Dau. Age 3. Born Beds Gravenhurst. Frederick Page. Son. Age 1. Born Beds Silsoe. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Wood Ditton. Registration
district of Newmarket. Source RG11/1675/18/30. Household
sched 115. Address: Chesterfield House. George Hagger. Unm. Age 23. Jockey. Born Herts Royston. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Woodford. Registration district
of West Ham. Source RG11/1733/50/24. Household sched 82.
Address: Church End "Chemist Shop". In the home of John T Robins (35), Chemist, and family: Charlotte A Bray. Niece. Age 15. Scholar. Born Middlesex, Wood Green. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Woodford. Registration district
of West Ham. Source RG11/1733/53/30. Household sched 108.
Address: Red Lodge, Woodford. Joseph C Lewis. Head. Mar. Age 58. Architect & Surveyor. Born Worcestershire Bromsgrove. Sarah A Lewis. Wife. Mar. Age 45. Born Middlesex, Stepney. Kate Emma Bray. Niece. Age 13. Scholar. Born Middlesex Tottenham. Together with a servant. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Harlow. Registration district of
Epping. Source RG11/1738/33/8. Household sched 45.
Address: Churchgate St. Henry Ward. Head. Mar. Age 55. Cordwainer. Born Middlesex Enfield. Sarah Ward. Wife. Mar. Age 50. Born Herts Braughing. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Warminster. Registration
district of Warminster. Source RG11/2056/29/13. Household
sched 77. Address: 47 East Street. In the home of William Silas Cross (46), Miller: Emily Edith Cocks. Visitor. Age 16. Born Herts, Great Munden. |
8 |
England. Civil Parish of Chickerell. Registration
district of Weymouth. Source RG11/2106/101/12. Household
sched 69. Address: Chickerell. Alfred E Ellis. Head. Mar. Age 27. School teacher. Born Middx Sunbury. Jane Ellis. Wife. Mar. Age 30. School teacher. Born Middx Hoxton. Edward W Ellis. Son. Age 3. Born Dorset Chickerell. Florence K Ellis. Dau. Age 1. Born Dorset Chickerell. |
7 |
England. Civil Parish of Normanton. Registration district
of Wakefield. Source RG11/4573/58/34. Household sched
162. Address: Castleford Rd Burnleys Buildings. James Freeman. Head. Mar. Age 33. Colliery Labourer. Born Herts Therfield. Lucy Freeman. Wife. Mar. Age 40. Born Herts Therfield. Emily Freeman. Dau. Age 16. Domestic Servant. Born Herts Therfield. Fanny Freeman. Dau. Age 5. Scholar. Born Yorks Normanton. Eliza Freeman. Dau. Age 4. Born Yorks Normanton. |
7 |
Last modified 16
Sep 2024