Shuttleworth Family
The name SHUTTLEWORTH is associated with the estate called
GAWTHORPE in the north of England.
Gawthorpe Hall is
an Elizabethan country house on the banks of
the River Calder, in the civil parish
of Ightenhill in the Borough of
Burnley, Lancashire, England. Its estate extends
into Padiham, with the Stockbridge Drive entrance situated
there. The hall is financed and run by the National
Trust in partnership. Gawthorpe Hall's origins are in
a pele tower, a strong fortification built by the
Shuttleworths in the 14th century as a defence against invading
Scots. The Elizabethan house was
dovetailed around the pele tower from plans drawn up by
Richard Shuttleworth but carried out after his death by his
brother the Reverend Lawrence Shuttleworth. The foundation stone
was laid on 26 August 1600.
Shuttleworth Hall is located nearby at Hapton,
Lancashire, and dates from the early to mid 17th century. It is a
grade 1 listed building and is still a working farm.
Shuttleworth Hall's connection to the Gawthorpe branch of the
Shuttleworth family is unclear.
There is a Pedigree of
the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe available online. A connection
with the John who commences the Shuttleworth family tree in my
tree has not been found but might exist. The use of unusual first
names such as Fleetwood (in Arthur Fleetwood Shuttleworth,
generation 4) and Agnes de Hacking (in Agnes de Hacking
Shuttleworth, generation 3) seem to hark back to early use of
these names in the Lancashire area; Fleetewoode Shuttleworth bap
1667 at Burnley, Lancashire; the location Hacking in Lancashire
had many early occurrences of Shuttleworth; Agnes de Hacking (bc
1290 in Lancashire) is said on many internet sites to have
married Henry de Shuttleworth of Gawthorpe, Lancashire. This may
be seen as evidence of a connection of this tree with the
Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe (unless it was wishful thinking).
In The Burman Chronicle (The Story of a Warwickshire Family) by
John Burman, 1940, a book widely used for early Burman history,
the author quotes " Richard, a
graduate of Balliol College, Oxford, became a solicitor,
practising at Southam, Warwickshire, after 1827 holding an
appointment at the Exchequer Office, London, and living at
Ealing. He married Ann Shuttleworth, of the Shuttleworths of
Gawthorpe, and his family consisted of four sons and two
daughters. " It is not known what knowledge this was based
The layout of this website is
in the form of the 6 generations, with supporting data on census
transcription pages, a complete index of names of everyone
mentioned (the "Names" button above), and a page index
that leads directly to each individual page in the website (the
"Page Index" button above). To start reading from
oldest downwards, press the button above ("Family History
Next Gen"). The Home Page button takes you to my other
family trees.
There are many gaps and assumptions which may be proved or
disproved later with further evidence, particularly in the early
information which is largely based on incomplete parish records.
The direct line to Fred Shade is
(1) John
Shuttleworth & Dorothy Firbank
(2) Anna Shuttleworth & Richard Burman (goes to
BURMAN tree)
(3) William Insull Burman & Sarah Smith,
(4) Anna Sophia Burman & Thomas Johnson, (goes to
(5) Alfred Thomas Johnson & Sarah Ann Bysouth,
(6) Ada Evenia Johnson & Albert Shade, (goes to SHADE
(7) Albert Ernest Shade & Mary Beatrice Chapple.
Changes |
New web site added 1 Feb 2016 |
Contact Libby Shade
for further details
P.O. Box 105, Rosanna 3084, Victoria, Australia
This family tree is
provided for mutual information within the family.
The information given will be referenced by official documents,
family bibles etc.
Information that is uncertain or unreferenced will not be
For privacy of the present generations, the family tree will halt
at the generation born around the start of the 20th century.
Discussion gladly entered into.