Issue of William Johnson & Harriet | |||
1. | Eliza
JOHNSON Born c1836 at Wolverhampton, Staffordshire. Baptism not found. Ref 1851 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration dist of Birmingham. Address: Sherbourne St, No 6 Front. Together with her parents and cousin: Eliza Johnson. Dau. Age 15. Scholar. Born Wolverhampton. In 1882 Eliza was executor for her mother: "JOHNSON Harriett. Personal Estate £47 14s. 7d. 15 September. The Will of Harriett Johnson late of New-street Wednesfield in the County of Stafford Widow who died 1 September 1882 at New-street was proved at Lichfield by Eliza Johnson [dau] of New-street Spinster the sole Executrix." (ref Ancestry National Probate) No other information found. |
1851 census |
Issue of Thomas Johnson and Elizabeth Allen | |||
1. | Charles
JOHNSON Occupation: Smith (ref 1851 census). Born 7 Mar 1829, bap 12 Jun 1829 at Saint Phillips, Birmingham, Warwick, England, Charles, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Johnson, Clarence Court, White Smith (ref Ancestry Birmingham Baptisms and IGI). Ref 1841 census. Warwickshire, England. Parish of Birmingham. Address: Court 18 (listed after Edmund St 76). Together with his parents and siblings: Charles Johnson. Age 12. Born in Warwickshire. Ref 1851 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Address: 76 Edmund St, Birmingham. Together with his parents and siblings: Charles Johnson. Son. U. Age 22. Smith. Born Warwickshire, Birmingham. Marr (1) reg Dec qtr 1851 at Birmingham dist of Charles Johnson to Ann CHAMBERLAIN (ref FreeBMD). The marriage was 25 Dec 1851 at Hockley All Saints, Warwickshire; Charles was full age, Bachelor, Smith, of Edmund St, son of Thomas Johnson, Smith; Ann was full age, Spinster, Dressmaker, of Stachat Street (? street not found), dau of William Chamberlain, Smith; witnesses were Thomas Johnson, Mary Ann Corley (ref Ancestry Birmingham Marriages). Ann was born 6 Mar 1826, bap 2 Oct 1826 at St Martin, Birmingham, dau of William & Ann Chamberlain, Regent Place, Bed Gun (?) Furniture Forger (ref Ancestry Birmingham Baptisms). In 1853 at the baptism of Clara, and in 1856 at the baptism of Sarah Ann, Charles and Ann were living at Edmund Street. Death reg of Ann Johnson Sep qtr 1859 at Birmingham dist (ref FreeBMD). Burial of Ann Johnson on 14 Aug 1859 at St Paul, Birmingham, abode New John Street West, aged 33 (ref Ancestry Birmingham Burials). Marr (2) reg Mar qtr 1860 at Birmingham dist of Charles Johnson to Maria WEBB (ref FreeBMD). The marriage was 27 Feb 1860 at the parish church of St Martin, Birmingham; Charles was full age, Widower, Blacksmith, of Clement St, son of Thomas Johnson, Blacksmith; Maria was full age, Spinster, of Brearley St, dau of Edward Webb, Thimble Maker; witnesses were Henry Finnemore & Jane (-) (ref Ancestry Birmingham Marriages). Maria was born c1826 at Birmingham. Ref 1861 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil parish of Birmingham. Registration district of Birmingham. Address: 100 Brearley Street Birmingham. Together with children Clara (8), Thomas A (2): Charles Johnson. Head. Mar. Age 32. Tool Forger Journeyman. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. Maria Johnson. Wife. Mar. Age 35. Preparatory School. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. In 1869 Charles inherited the business of Tool Manufacture from his father Thomas in the following words in his Will: "JOHNSON Thomas. Effects under £100. 26 March [1870]. The Will of Thomas Johnson late of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Manufacturer deceased who died 19 December 1869 at Birmingham aforesaid was proved at Birmingham by the oath of Sarah Ann Haynes (Wife of Thomas Haynes, Cooper) of 1 Fordrough-street Birmingham aforesaid the Daughter one of the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate) This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Johnson of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Manufacturer First I direct the payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and the costs and charges of proving this my Will by by Exectutors hereinafter named I give and bequeath unto my son Charles all my shop tools stock in trade and my books of account relating to my trade and book debts due to me for work and labour and materials found and provided my writing desk chest of Drawers containing three large and three small drawers to and for his own absolute use and benefit subject to the payment by my son Charles of all debts which may be due and owing from me at the time of my decease whether due and owing in respect of my trade or otherwise howsoever And I do hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of my said son Charles shall be a good and sufficient discharge or discharges to any person or persons paying any money in respect of my said trade or on account of the same or any part thereof. [etc etc]" Ref 1871 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration district of Birmingham. Address: Back of Brearley Street, West House, Birmingham. Together with children Thomas (12), Alice (8), Eliza (6) and a visitor, Eliza Webb (25), related to Maria: Chas Johnson. Head. Mar. Age 42. Black Smith emp 2 men. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. Maria Johnson. Wife. Mar. Age 45. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. In 1877 Charles was a witness at the marriage of his daughter Clara Elizabeth. Ref 1881 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Aston. Registration district of Aston. Address: 116 Burbury St, Aston. Together with children Thomas (22), Alice (18), Jane (16), Sarah (9): Charles Johnson. Head. Mar. Age 52. Jobbing Smith employing 3 men. Born Warwickshire Aston. Maria Johnson. Wife. Mar. Age 56. Born Warwickshire Birm. Charles died 28 Mar 1883. Death reg of Charles Johnson Mar qtr 1883 at Aston dist, Warwickshire aged 54 (ref FreeBMD). "JOHNSON Charles. Personal Estate £122. 20 April [1883]. The Will of Charles Johnson formerly of 116 Burbury-street but late of 104 Church-street Lozells both in Aston-juxta-Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Forger who died 28 March 1883 at 104 Church-street was proved at Birmingham by Maria Johnson of 104 Church-street Widow the Relict and William Hickin of Buckingham-street Birmingham Brassfounder the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate) Death reg of Maria Johnson Sep qtr 1888 at Birmingham dist aged 64 (ref FreeBMD). |
IGI record 1841 census 1851 census 1861 census 1871 census 1881 census |
Children of Charles and Ann: | |||
1. | Clara Elizabeth JOHNSON born 1853 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
2. | Sarah Ann JOHNSON born 1855 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
3. | Thomas Alfred JOHNSON born 1859 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
Children of Charles and Maria: | |||
4. | Alice Emily JOHNSON born 1862 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
5. | Eliza Jane JOHNSON born 1865 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
6. | Sarah
JOHNSON born c1872 at Birmingham, Warwickshire |
2. | Thomas
JOHNSON Occupation: Hairdresser. Born 4 Sep 1831, bap 17 Oct 1831 at Saint Phillips, Birmingham, Warwick, England, Thomas, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Johnson, Edmund Street, Jobbing Smith (ref Ancestry Birmingham Baptisms). The record in FamilySearch (C04179-5) contains the correct birth and baptism dates but incorrectly adds a death date of 24 Feb 1833. Ref 1841 census. Warwickshire, England. Parish of Birmingham. Address: Court 18 (listed after Edmund St 76). Together with his parents and siblings: Thomas Johnson. Age 10. Born in Warwickshire. Ref 1851 census. Staffordshire, England. Civil Parish of Walsall Borough. Town of Walsall. Address: Digbeth, Walsall. Joseph Thorpe. Head. Age 35. Hair dresser, employing 1 apprentice. Other members of Thorpe family. Thomas Johnson. Appc. Age 19. In door apprentice to hair dresser. Born Warwick, Birmingham. Arrived in Victoria c1855 (ref his death certificate). It is very likely that he was a passenger on the vessel "Champion of the Seas" which departed England on 11 Oct 1854 and arrived in Melbourne on 26 Dec 1854; this was her maiden voyage and took 75 days from Liverpool to Melbourne. A passenger was Thomas Johnson, English, aged 23. Ref Melbourne Directory 1857 & 1858. Swanston St, East Side. No. 12. Johnson Thomas - Hairdresser. Marr 10 June 1858 to Anna Sophia BURMAN (ref marriage certificate). Anna was born 15 Mar 1838 at 90 Bridge Street, Lambeth, England (ref her birth cert). The certificate states the marriage was at Christ Church CofE, St Kilda, Victoria, Thomas was 26, residing in Melbourne, and Anna 20 and residing in St Kilda. In the Melbourne Directory of 1859, Thomas Johnson - Hairdresser is listed at No. 12 Swanston St, East Side, next door to Frederick Burman, his brother in law, at No. 10. Thomas is also listed in the Melbourne Directory of 1862 at the same address. Ref Ballarat & District Directory - 1865-66. Bridge St. from Sturt St, left. Calcott Edwin - Stag Hotel. Johnson Thomas - Hairdresser. A display advertisement appeared in the Ballarat Directory of 1869: "THOS. JOHNSON. Hair Cutter and ornamental hair worker. Opposite Buck's Head Hotel, Bridge Street, Ballarat. Memorial Brooches, Bracelets, Guard Chains, and Hair Work of every description executed in the best style. First-Class Certificate Awarded for Hair Work at the Ballarat Exhibition." In December 1869 his father died in Birmingham leaving the following inheritance in his Will in relation to Thomas. "JOHNSON Thomas. Effects under £100. 26 March [1870]. The Will of Thomas Johnson late of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Manufacturer deceased who died 19 December 1869 at Birmingham aforesaid was proved at Birmingham by the oath of Sarah Ann Haynes (Wife of Thomas Haynes, Cooper) of 1 Fordrough-street Birmingham aforesaid the Daughter one of the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate) This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Johnson of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Manufacturer ...I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas who is now in Australia my Silver Watch with my name engraved thereon and silver guard chain and all sums of money deposited by me in the Birmingham Savings Bank over and above the sum of one hundred pounds which may be standing in my name at the time of my decease to and for his own absolute use and benefit subject to the condition following namely In case my said son Thomas shall fail to come to England within twelve calendar months after my decease to receive the money so bequeathed to him as aforesaid whether he has notice of my death or not the said bequeath relating to the money in the Birmingham Savings Bank aforesaid shall lapse and fall into the residue of my estate and effects and be disposed thereof accordingly. [etc etc]. Thomas was required in the Will quoted here to return to Birmingham within a year to pick up his inheritance. However he probably did not do so as at that time he was living in Bridge Street Ballarat which, together with the rest of Victoria, suffered from severe flooding over several years including 1869 and 1870. The following notes have been provided by Fay Johnson with regard to the Ballarat floods: The first flood in relation to Thomas JOHNSON was in 1869. The Ballarat Star had columns & columns relating to this and the damage done by the Yarrowee Creek. Issues I have listed are, Monday October 18, 1869, October 19, 1869, October 20, 1869 & October 21, 1869. The following mentions Thomas JOHNSON: In our general account of losses, we omitted to mention that Mr JOHNSON, hairdresser, Bridge Street, has suffered a loss which he estimates at £100, in stock and furniture, chiefly the latter. (Ref: Ballarat Star, Wednesday October 20, 1869, p.2.) In 1870, Ballarat had two floods one on top of each other. The first was September 7 and the second September 28, 1870. Issues listed are Ballarat Star, Thursday September 8, 1870, September 9, September 10, September 13, Saturday October 29, October 31, November 1 and November 5, 1870. I have not found Thomas mentioned, but the newspaper goes into great detail about the damage in Bridge Street. The floods in September 1870 were reported at the time in these words: "FLOODS IN VICTORIA. The papers received contain most alarming accounts of floods that seem to have been general over the colony. ... The water, says the Argus, literally fell in sheets, and filled the air so densely that persons could not see very far before them. A downpour so long continued has not often been witnessed here, and its consequences soon became visible in the flooded streets. .... BALLARAT. A great flood occurred in Ballarat this morning. Bridge-street, Main Road, and the surrounding districts are flooded out. The water in Bridge-street is four feet deep. Several people have had narrow escapes from being drowned. The rain has now stopped, and the flood waters are subsiding. There has not been much damage done, as the people were prepared for the danger." (ref Trove, The Mercury Hobart, Tues 20 Sep 1870). The following notes have been provided by Fay Johnson with regard to the subsequent insolvency of Thomas in 1871: Insolvency Papers at the Public Record Office: Ref: VPRS:762 Unit 4, File 70, record the following: Thomas JOHNSON of Atherton St, Fitzroy, hairdresser. 19th May 1871: Thomas JOHNSON make oath and say: (1) That I am Insolvent and desirous of surrendering my estate for the benefit of my creditors. (2) That I first became unable to pay my debts in due course as they became due on - or about the twentieth day of May 1870 .. and the cause of such inability arose from losses by floods at Ballarat where I was at that time carrying on business and from the falling off of my said business (3) That I have kept a day book. Creditors: William I. BURMAN, Photographer, Gertrude St, Fitzroy. Amount Due: £30 and interest. Money lent, November 1870. Nature of security given: Bill of Sale over household furniture and effects. List of Insolvents Losses: 19 May 1871: By floods at Ballarat of household furniture and wearing apparel stock in trade and cash. Amount: £60. Date: 1870. (Household furniture and wearing apparel: £30. Cash: £1.) List of Debts due to Unsecured Creditors: 19 May 1871: David Rosenthal of Melbourne, Merchant £12.15.3 - Fancy Goods 24 December 1869. Thompson, Melbourne Painter £4.0.0 - Painting & paper hanging May 1870. Bolman & Hewitt Ballarat Drapers - £2.15.0 May 1870. Moss & White Melbourne Tobacconist - £6.0.0. Tobacco and Cigars January 1870. Lazarus Bros. Merchants Melbourne - £1.10.0 Fancy Goods March 1870. Josephs Ballarat Tailor - £2.10.0 Clothing February 1870. H.H. PEAKE Ballarat Collector - £11.0.0. Cash balance due on an accommodation bill. December 1869. Reid & Brace Agents Melbourne - £7.0.0. Balance due for Rent January 1871. Dempster Gasfitter Melbourne - £3.10.0 Gas fittings. May 1870. Cooke Painter Melbourne - £1.0.0 Painting January 1871. Webb Publican Melbourne - £4.0.0 Cash January 1871. Melbourne Gas Company - £2.10.0 Gas January 1871. Collingwood Gas Company - £ .15.0 January 1871. Duerdin & Sainsbury Merchants Melbourne - £3.5.6 Fancy Goods December 1869. Powell Baker Collingwood - £ .15.0 Bread April & May 1871. Langton Butcher Collingwood - £ .12.0 Meat April & May 1871. Gill Newsagent Melbourne - £ .10.0 Newspapers January 1871. Total Amount Due: £64.7.9 Wednesday 31 May 1871. No creditors appeared, meeting closed. Reference to Thomas's insolvency occurs in The Argus in Jun 1871: "GENERAL MEETINGS. General meetings were held and closed in the following estates: - ...Thomas Johnson, of Fitzroy, hairdresser ..." (Trove, The Argus Melbourne, Fri 2 June 1871). By 1871 Thomas had established himself as a hairdresser in South Yarra with help from his father-in-law. The Silver Watch referred to in the Will above did make its way somehow to Australia and is now held by the current generation of the family.The inscription has "Thos. Johnson July 29th 1823" and other maker's notations; it is not known what the date refers to. Ref Melbourne Directories: 1874, 1875, 1876: Johnson Thomas - 86 Chapel St, South Yarra - Hairdresser. Ref Melbourne Directory 1882. Johnson Thomas - 100 Chapel St, Prahran - Hairdresser. Thomas died 11 June 1882 at King Street, City of Prahran, Victoria. He was buried 13 June 1882 at St Kilda Cemetery, CofE, Comp D, Grave no.276, with his wife and daughter (ref cem records which give age incorrectly as 48, he was presumably 50). There is no headstone. See also his death certificate (Vic reg 6610). Anna died 10 Aug 1887 at 141 Smith St, Fitzroy, and was buried 12 Aug 1887, widow of Thomas, at St Kilda Cemetery, CofE, Comp D, Grave no.276, with her husband and daughter Emily (ref death and cem records which give age curiously as 47 years 1 week and 5 days, which do not match her birth certificate which would make her 49). Ref The Age 11 Aug 1887 p1: "JOHNSON.-On the 10th August, at 141 Smith-street, Fitzroy, Anna Thomas Johnson, late of Chapel-street, Windsor, aged 46, eldest daughter of W.J.Burman, photo. artist." (sic) Ref The Age 11 Aug 1887 p8: "THE Friends of the late Mrs ANNA JOHNSON, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Johnson, hair dresser, of Prahran, are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, in the St. Kilda Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to move from her late residence, 141 Smith-street, Fitzroy, TO-MORROW (Friday), 12th August, at half-past 2 o'clock. HENRY DRAYTON, Undertaker, 5 High-street, Prahran." |
IGI record 1841 census 1851 census ![]() See BURMAN tree Marr Cert See advertisement on photo page Thomas Death Cert Anna Death Cert |
Children: | |||
1. | Alfred Thomas JOHNSON born 1859 at Prahran, Victoria | ||
2. | William Henry JOHNSON born 1860 at Ballarat, Victoria | ||
3. | Emily Jane JOHNSON born 1862 at Ballarat East, Victoria | ||
4. | Anna JOHNSON born 1868 at Ballarat East, Victoria | ||
5. | Ada Matilda JOHNSON born 1873 at Prahran, Victoria | ||
6. | Walter
Frederick JOHNSON born 1875 at Prahran, Victoria |
3. | Alfred
Allen JOHNSON Born 1 Mar 1834, bap 25 Mar 1834 at Saint Phillip, Birmingham, Warwick, England, Alfred Allen, son of Thomas & Elizabeth Johnson, Edmund Street, Jobbing Smith (ref Ancestry Birmingham Baptisms). Ref 1841 census. Warwickshire, England. Parish of Birmingham. Address: Court 18 (listed after Edmund St 76). Together with his parents and siblings: Alfred Johnson. Age 7. Born in Warwickshire. Ref 1851 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Address: 76 Edmund St, Birmingham. Together with his parents and siblings: Alfred Johnson. Son. U. Age 17. Born Warwickshire, Birmingham. Death reg of Alfred Allen Johnson Dec qtr 1858 at Birmingham dist, Warwickshire (ref FreeBMD). Burial of Alfred Allen Johnson 3 Oct 1858 at St Paul, Birmingham, Warwickshire, residence Edmund Street, aged 24 (ref Ancestry Birmingham Burials). |
IGI record 1841 census 1851 census |
4. | Elizabeth
JOHNSON Born 4 May 1836, bap 4 Jul 1836 at Saint Phillip, Birmingham, Warwick, England, Elizabeth, dau of Thomas and Elizabeth Johnson, Edmund Street, Jobbing Smith (ref Ancestry Birmingham Baptisms). Died (buried?) 11 Jun 1837 (ref FamilySearch C04179-5) but this record not found in Ancestry Birmingham Burials. |
IGI record |
5. | Sarah
Ann JOHNSON Born 26 Jun 1838, bap 21 Aug 1838 at Saint Phillip, Birmingham, Warwick, England, Sarah Ann, dau of Thomas & Elizabeth Johnson, Edmund Street, Jobing Smith (ref Ancestry Birmingham Baptisms). Birth reg Sep qtr 1838 at Birmingham dist (ref FreeBMD). Ref 1841 census. Warwickshire, England. Parish of Birmingham. Address: Court 18 (listed after Edmund St 76). Together with her parents and siblings: Sarah Johnson. Age 3. Born in Warwickshire. Ref 1851 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Address: 76 Edmund St, Birmingham. Together with her parents and siblings: Sarah Johnson. Dau. U. Age 13. Born Warwickshire, Birmingham. AND Ref 1851 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration dist of Birmingham. Address: Sherbourne St, No 6 Front. Together with uncle William Johnson and family: Sarah Ann Johnson. Niece. Age 12. Scholar. Born Birmingham. Ref 1861 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil parish of Birmingham. Address: 17 Court 1 House (near 76 Edmund St), Birmingham. Together with her father: Sarah Ann Johnson. Daur. Un. Age 22. Housekeeper. Born Warwickshire, Birmingham. Marr reg Mar qtr 1869 at Birmingham dist of Sarah Ann Johnson to Thomas HAYNES (ref FreeBMD). He was bap 15 Nov 1829 at St Leonard's, Bilston, Stafford, as Thomas Haines, son of Joseph and Harriot Haines (ref FamilySearch I02538-1). In 1869 Sarah Ann was an executor for her father: "JOHNSON Thomas. Effects under £100. 26 March [1870]. The Will of Thomas Johnson late of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Manufacturer deceased who died 19 December 1869 at Birmingham aforesaid was proved at Birmingham by the oath of Sarah Ann Haynes (Wife of Thomas Haynes, Cooper) of 1 Fordrough-street Birmingham aforesaid the Daughter one of the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate) This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Johnson of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Tool Manufacturer ... And as to all the rest residue and remainder of my real and personal estate and effects whatsover and wheresoever situate to which I shall be entitled at my decease or of which I have power to dispose by this my WillI give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my Daughter Sarah Ann to and for her own use and benefit absolutely. And I appoint my said Daughter Sarah Ann Johnson and Edwin Watson of Birmingham in the County of Warwick Executrix and Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. In witness whereof I the said Testator Thomas Johnson have to this my last Will and Testament contained on two sheets of paper set my hand this ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty two - Thomas Johnson. Ref 1871 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration district of Birmingham. Address: 1 Fordrough Street, Birmingham. Together with son Joseph Briscoe (1) and sister Harriet Haynes (43): Thomas Haynes. Head. Mar. Age 42. Master Cooper. Born Staffordshire Bilston. Sarah Ann Haynes. Wife. Mar. Age 31. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. In 1879 Thomas and Sarah lived at Edward Street Parade and he was a Cooper, at bap of dau Harriet. Ref 1881 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration district of Birmingham. Address: 14 Edward St, Birmingham. Together with children Jos (10), Elizth (4), Harriet (2): Thomas Haynes. Head. Mar. Age 58. Cooper. Born Staffordshire Bilston. Sarah Haynes. Wife. Mar. Age 41. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. Ref 1891 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration District of Birmingham. Address: Back 14,15 house, Edward Street, Birmingham. Together with children Joseph H (21), Elizabeth (14), Harriett (12): Thomas Haynes. Head. Mar. Age 66. Cooper & Packing Case Maker. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. Sarah A Haynes. Wife. Mar. Age 54. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. Thomas died between 1891 and 1901, his death not found. Ref 1901 census. Warwickshire, England. Civil Parish of Birmingham. Registration district of Birmingham. Address: 31 St Marks Street, Birmingham. Together with children Joseph Briscoe (31), Elizabeth (24), Harriett (21): Sarah Ann Haynes. Head. Widow. Age 62. Born Warwickshire Birmingham. Ref 1911 census. Staffordshire, England. Parish of Handsworth. Registration District of West Bromwich. Address: 48 Wilson Road Handsworth. Together with children Joseph Briscoe (41), Elizabeth (34), Harriett (31): Sarah Ann Haynes. Head. Widow. Age 72. Born Birmingham Warshire. Mar 42 yrs. Children 5 born 3 alive 2 dead. Sarah died 30 Sep 1915. Death reg of Sarah A Haynes Sep qtr 1915 at Aston dist, Warwickshire aged 77 (ref FreeBMD). "HAYNES Sarah Ann of 17 Geraldine-road Yardley Birmingham widow died 30 September 1915 Probate Birmingham 29 October to Ernest Charles Shiner grocer and Elizabeth Tinton (wife of Timothy Tinton) [daughter]. Effects £2123 17s. 11d." (ref Ancestry National Probate) |
IGI record 1841 census 1851 census 1861 census 1871 census 1881 census 1891 census 1901 census 1911 census |
Children: | |||
1. | Joseph Briscoe HAYNES born 1869 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
2. | Elizabeth HAYNES born 1877 at Birmingham, Warwickshire | ||
3. | Harriet HAYNES born 1879 at Birmingham, Warwickshire |