Edwards ~ Third Generation

    Issue of James Edwards and Elizabeth Nottage  
1.   Mary EDWARDS
Born 1801 (ref death) at Rickling, Essex, England (ref census).

Married (1) in 1826 at Westminster, Middlesex to Edward Candish MILLARD. Edward was born 22 Feb 1800 at Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England. He was son of John Millard and Grace Candish. He was bap 23 Jul 1800 at All Saints Church, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England. (All references Millard family.)

After their marriage, Edward and Mary Millard lived at Southampton, Hampshire.

Edward died 4 Sep 1832 at Southampton, Hampshire. He was buried at St Mary's, Southampton. Their son John was born posthumously.

There were at different times business relationships between Thomas Creed, Thomas Edwards, Charles Edwards and Robert Edwards, all of this generation. Thomas married Mary Edwards, dau of James Edwards and Elizabeth Nottage in 1846; Thomas Edwards was Mary's brother, and who may have married Elizabeth Creed c1831; Charles John Edwards was 9th child of William Edwards and Maria Greenway; Robert Edwards was 5th child of John Stuart Edwards and Amelia.


The Fore Street Cripplegate address was first occupied by George Swan from about 1806, who was a cousin of Elizabeth nee Nottage. As will be seen below, the business was then taken over by Thomas Creed and Frederick Keen, and then subsequently by Robert Palgrave, Thomas Creed and Thomas Edwards. After the partnership was dissolved, Thomas Creed set up in business in Southampton Hampshire, and was later trading with Robert Edwards. (ref Ralph Millard and following documents)

See London Gazette 29 Feb 1828 page 420:
"NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between the undersigned, Thomas Creed and Frederick Keen, of Fore-Street, Cripplegate, in the City of London, Haberdashers, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 25th day of December last; all debts due to and from the late Partnership will be received and paid by the said Thomas Creed, by whom the business will in future be carried on: Witness our hands. Thomas Creed, Fredk. Keen."
See London Gazette 6 Apr 1830 page 694:
"Messrs. Creed and Keen's Premises Fore-Street, City.
To be sold by auction, by Mr. Cansdell, at the Auction Mart, on Tuesday the 27th day of April, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, by order of the major part of the Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt issued forth against Messrs. Keen and Creed, and by direction of the Assignees;
The above valuable attractive and extensive premises distinguished as No. 10, near the western end of Fore-Street, City; the premises are well known as having been for many years in the occupation of Mr. Swan, Haberdasher, &c. prior to their being occupied by Keen and Creed; the business part of the premises are very complete; the domestic apartments are numerous and well arranged for the accommodation of a respectable trademan's family, are nearly equal to freehold, being held of the Vicar and Parishioners of Saint Gile's, Cripplegate, at a ground rent of only £11 per annum, are renewable for ever on paying a trifling fine every fourteen years.
May be viewed fourteen days previous to the sale, and particulars had of James Collins, Esq. Solicitor to the Mortgagee, Spital-Square; of Benjamin Davies,Esq. Solicitor to the Assignees, Devonshire-Square, Bishopsgate; at the Mart, and of Mr. Cansdell, 16, Bishopsgate Within, adjoining the city of London Tavern."
See London Gazette 28 Feb 1837 page 554:
"NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership formerly subsisting between us the undersigned, Robert Palgrave, Thomas Creed, and Thomas Edwards, under the firm of Creed and Edwards, of No. 10, Fore street, Cripplegate, in the city of London, as Haberdashers, Silk-Mercers, Drapers, Hosiers, Glovers, Lacemen, and Furriers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent: As witness our hands this 25th day of February 1837. Robert Palgrave, Thomas Creed, Thomas Edwards."
See Partnerships Dissolved in Perry's Bankrupt Gazette Saturday 18 March 1837 (ref British Newspaper Archive)
"PALGRAVE Robert, Thomas Creed, and Thomas Edwards haberdashers, drapers, and furriers, Fore-st, 25th Feb." This is well before the two Thomases became brothers in law.


Ref 1841 census. Hampshire, England. Civil parish of St Lawrence. Registration District of Southampton. Address: High Street, St Lawrence, Southampton.
At the home of Wm Sharland (80), and family, together with children Edwd (14), Fanny (12), Jane (11), John (9):
Mary Millard. Age 35. Not born in Hampshire.

Mary married (2) Dec qtr 1846 at Marylebone dist to Thomas CREED (ref FreeBMD). The marriage was 8 Dec 1846 at St Marylebone, Middlesex. Thomas was born c1799 at Chesham, Buckinghamshire (ref census). Thomas was a widower and was previously married to Lydia, whose death was reg Mar qtr 1843 at Southampton dist (ref FreeBMD). In the 1841 census Thomas and Lydia had 5 children listed: Emma, Rosa, Thomas, Ellen and Angela.

Ref London Gazette 26 Jul 1850 page 2093:
"July 10, 1850. The Partnership lately subsisting between Thomas Creed and Robert Edwards, and carried on under the firm of Creed and Edwards, Linendrapers, Haberdashers &c. &c. at No. 158, High-street, Southampton, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or from the said firm will be received and paid by the said Thomas Creed, on the premises, 158, High-street aforesaid. Thomas Creed, Robert Edwards."

Ref 1851 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of All Saints Southampton. Registration District of Southampton. Address: 1 Middle Portland Terrace, All Saints Southampton.
Together with Thomas's children Rosa (23), Fanny (14), Ellen (13), Angela (11), Edward H (8), Mary's daus Fanny (21), Jane (19) and 2 servants:
Mary Creed. Head. Mar. Age 49. Drapers Wife. Born Essex Rickling.
[At this time they was living very close to Robert Edwards, see below, also Silk Mercer.]
Ref 1851 census. Essex, England. Civil Parish of Clavering. Registration District of Saffron Walden. Address: Post Office, Water Lane, Clavering.
At the home of James Pavitt (35), Wine Merchant & Miller:
Thomas Creed. Visitor. Mar. Age 52. Draper & Silk Mercer. Born Buckinghamshire Chesham.

Ref 1861 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of All Saints. Registration District of Southampton. Address: 3 Carlton Crescent, All Saints, Southampton.
Together with his daus Ellen L (23), Angella L (21) and granddaughter Clara A (6), and 2 servants:
Thomas Creed. Head. Mar. Age 62. Draper. Born Buckinghamshire.
Mary Creed. Wife. Mar. Age 60 [indexed as 40 in fmp]. Drapers Wife. Born Essex Rickling.

Ref 1871 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of All Saints. Registration District of Southampton. Address: Carlton Crescent, All Saints, Southampton.
Together with his children Edward H (27), Rosa F (42) and granddaughter Clara A (17), her dau Jane Millard (40) and 2 servants:
Thomas Creed. Head. Mar. Age 72. General Draper. Born Buckinghamshire Chesham.
Mary Creed. Wife. Mar. Age 70. Born Essex Rickling.

Thomas died 24 Oct 1874. Death reg of Thomas Creed Dec qtr 1874 at Southampton dist aged 76 (ref FreeBMD).
"CREED Thomas. Effects under £9,000. 11 November. The Will of Thomas Creed late of the Town and County of Southampton Draper who died 24 October 1874
at 3 Carlton-crescent Southampton was proved at Winchester by Charles John Edwards of 40 St. John's-Wood-park in the County of Middlesex Gentleman
Arthur Isbel of Bishopstoke in the County of Southampton Gentleman and Robert Sale Smith of 7 Belle-Vue-place in the Town of Southampton Draper the Executors." (ref
Ancestry National Probate). [Charles John Edwards was Mary's cousin - see below. Arthur Isbell was the husband of Ellen Lydia Creed, Thomas's daughter. Robert Sale Smith was the husband of Mary's daughter Fanny.]

Mary died 12 May 1879. Death reg of Mary Creed Jun qtr 1879 at S. Stoneham dist aged 78 (ref FreeBMD).
"CREED Mary. Personal estate under £1,000. 14 June. The Will of Mary Creed formerly of 7 Bellevue-place in the Town and County of Southampton
but late of Northlands Lower Avenue in the Parish of Millbrook in the said County Widow who died 12 May 1879 at Northlands was proved at the
Principal Registry by Robert Sale Smith of Northlands Draper the sole Executor." (ref Ancestry National Probate) [Robert Sale Smith was the husband of Mary's daughter Fanny.]

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

  1. Edward MILLARD born 1827 at Southampton, Hampshire  
  2. Fanny MILLARD born 1829 at Southampton, Hampshire  
  3. Jane MILLARD born 1831 at Southampton, Hampshire  
  4. John MILLARD born 1832 at Southampton, Hampshire
2.   Thomas EDWARDS
Born c1804 at Rickling, Essex (ref census).

Married (1) 11 Jan 1825 at Saint Giles Cripplegate, London of Thomas Edwards to Fanny CREED (ref FamilySearch).

Fanny died 1829 at was buried 18 May 1829 at Saint Marylebone, Westminster, aged 26, residence High Street (ref Ancestry London Burials).

Married (2) Elizabeth, surname unknown, between 1829 and 1833. She was born 1802-1810 at Chesham, Buckinghamshire (ref census and death records). She may also have been a Creed as she came from the same place as Thomas Creed who married Mary Edwards.

There were at different times business relationships between Thomas Creed, Thomas Edwards, Charles Edwards and Robert Edwards, all of this generation. Thomas married Mary Edwards, dau of James Edwards and Elizabeth Nottage in 1846; Thomas Edwards was Mary's brother, and who may have married Elizabeth Creed c1831; Charles John Edwards was 9th child of William Edwards and Maria Greenway; Robert Edwards was 5th child of John Stuart Edwards and Amelia.


Note that Thomas named his second son George Allison Edwards while he was conducting business in High Street Marylebone (1830 - 1835) (ref Ralph Millard 2013).

See Partnerships Dissolved in Perry's Bankrupt Gazette Saturday 18 March 1837 (ref British Newspaper Archive)
"PALGRAVE Robert, Thomas Creed, and Thomas Edwards haberdashers, drapers, and furriers, Fore-st, 25th Feb."
See London Gazette 28 Feb 1837 page 554:
"NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership formerly subsisting between us the undersigned, Robert Palgrave, Thomas Creed, and Thomas Edwards, under the firm of Creed and Edwards, of No. 10, Fore street, Cripplegate, in the city of London, as Haberdashers, Silk-Mercers, Drapers, Hosiers, Glovers, Lacemen, and Furriers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent: As witness our hands this 25th day of February 1837. Robert Palgrave, Thomas Creed, Thomas Edwards."
See London Gazette 1 June 1841 page 1402:
"NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting and carried on between us the undersigned, Joseph Allison and Thomas Edwards, at No.240, Regent-street, in the parish of Saint James, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, as Silk Mercers, Linen Drapers, Haberdashers, Hosiers, Glovers, and Lacemen, under the firm of Allison and Edwards was, on the 27th day of May instant, dissolved by mutual consent; and all debts due to and owing by the said firm, will be received and paid by the said Joseph Allison: As witness our hands this 31st day of May 1841. Joseph Allison. Thomas Edwards

Ref 1841 census. Middlesex, England. Civil parish of St Giles without Cripplegate. Registration District of East London. Address: Fore Street, St Giles Without Cripplegate, London.
Together with children Thos H (15), Emily (5), Chars (1) and 3 female servants:
Thos Edwards. Age 35. Gent. Born Middlesex.
Elizth Edwards. Age 30. Born Middlesex.

Ref 1851 census. Hertfordshire, England. Civil Parish of Watford. Registration District of Watford. Address: High Street, Watford.
Together with children Thomas H (25), Charles James (11), Frederick William (9), Ellen Grace (5), Annie Laura (2) and relative Emma Mary Creed (25) and 2 servants:
Thomas Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 47. Silk Mercer. Born Essex Rickling.
Elizabeth Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 41. Born Buckinghamshire Chesham.

Ref 1861 census. Hertfordshire, England. Civil Parish of Watford. Registration District of Watford. Address: Church Road Watford.
Together with children Thomas Henry (35), Emily (24), Annie L (12) and grandchildren Elizabeth (3), Percy Stuart (2) [children of George] and 2 servants:
Thomas Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 57. Silk Mercer &c. Born Essex Rickling.
Elizabeth Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 57. Born Buckinghamshire Chesham.

Thomas died 6 Nov 1861. Death reg of Thomas Edwards Dec qtr 1861 at Watford dist (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Thomas. Effects under £6,000. Resworn at the Stamp Office January 1863, under £7,000. 12 December. The Will of Thomas Edwards late of 9 Soho-square in the County of Middlesex and of Church-road Watford in the County of Hertford Draper deceased who died 6 November 1861 at Church-road aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Robert Edwards of 41 Leinster-square Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Wine Merchant Edward Millard of London House Tonbridge Wells in the County of Kent Draper and Charles Edwards of Tonbridge Wells aforesaid Gentleman the Executors." [For Robert Edwards, see the page on the descendants of John Stuart Edwards; Edward Millard was Thomas's nephew; Charles John Edwards was Thomas's cousin.]

Death reg of Elizabeth Edwards Sep qtr 1866 at Watford dist aged 64 (ref FreeBMD). Probate not found.

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

    Child of Thomas and Fanny:  
  1. Thomas Henry EDWARDS born 1826, bap 1826 at St George Bloomsbury, London  
    Children of Thomas and Elizabeth:  
  2. George Allison EDWARDS born 1833, bap 1834 at St Marylebone, London  
  3. Emily Jane EDWARDS born 1836, bap 1836 at St Marylebone, London  
  4. Charles James EDWARDS born 1839, bap 1839 at St Marylebone, London  
  5. Frederick William EDWARDS born 1841, bap 1841 at St Giles Without Cripplegate, London  
  6. Ellen Grace EDWARDS born 1845, bap 1845 at St Anne Soho, London  
  7. Annie Laura EDWARDS born 1848, bap 1849 at St Anne Soho, London
    Issue of William Edwards and Maria Greenway  
1.   William John EDWARDS
Born 27 Dec 1801; bap 28 Jan 1802 at St George Hanover Square, Westminster, William, son of William & Maria Edwards (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

Death of William John Edwards 9 Feb 1838 "at ½ past 3 o'clock in the morning at Greenwich", age 37 years, occupation Shopkeeper, cause of death "Decline", Informant William Edwards, Father, 3 George Street, Greenwich, Present at death" (ref Death Certficate copy held by LS). Burial of William John Edwards 16 February at St Alphege parish, Greenwich, abode George Street, age 38 [sic] (ref Ancestry London deaths and burials).

2.   Maria EDWARDS
Born 15 Feb 1803; bap 26 Jun 1803 at St George Hanover Square, Westminster, Maria, dau of William & Maria Edwards (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).
No further information found.

3.   Caroline EDWARDS
Born 18 Sep 1804; bap 16 Nov 1804 at St George Hanover Square, Westminster, Caroline, dau of William & Maria Edwards (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

Burial of Caroline Edwards 9 Dec 1820 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, aged 16, residence Trafalgar Place (ref Ancestry London Burials).

4.   Charlotte EDWARDS
Born 21 Dec 1805; bap 3 Feb 1806 at St George Hanover Square, Westminster, Charlotte, dau of William & Maria Edwards (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

Married 28 Jun 1836 in St Brides, Fleet Street, London, to Charles HEMSLEY (ref IGI). Charles was a bachelor of the parish and Charlotte was a spinster of the parish; witnesses were James E Good and Sarah Good (ref Ancestry London Marriages image, indexed as Charlette Edwards, no parents given). He was bap 23 Jan 1814 at Slaugham, Sussex, England (ref IGI) so there was a large difference in their ages.

Information is found in the 1841 and 1851 census records (see Hemsley tree).
Charles died 2 Aug 1843 at Blackheath Hill, Greenwich, England, aged 29 (ref death cert in Hemsley tree).
Charlotte died 26 Aug 1857 at Blackheath Hill, Greenwich, England, aged 52 years (ref death cert in Hemsley tree). Emily Edwards (her sister in law, wife of brother Henry) was present at her death, living at 24 George Street Greenwich.

For all further information, see HEMSLEY tree.


IGI record

    Children (see Hemsley Tree for further details)  
  1. Fanny HEMSLEY born c1837 at Blackheath Kent  
  2. Charles HEMSLEY bap 1838 at Blackheath Kent  
  3. William Frederick HEMSLEY born 1840 at Greenwich Kent  
  4. Charlotte Helen HEMSLEY born 1841 at Greenwich Kent  
  5. Henry HEMSLEY born 1843 at Greenwich Kent
5.   George EDWARDS (1)
Born Sep 1807 at Kensington. Baptism not found.

Burial of George Edwards 23 Oct 1807 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, aged 1 month (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

6.   Sophia EDWARDS
Bap 4 Jun 1809 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, Sophia, dau of William & Maria Edwards, residence Trafalgar Place (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

Burial of Sophia Edwards 23 Jan 1837 at St Alphege Greenwich, aged 27, residence George St (ref Ancestry London Burials).

7.   Frederick EDWARDS (1)
Born 19 Nov 1810, bap 24 Mar 1811 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, Frederick, son of William & Maria Edwards, residence Trafalgar Place (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

Burial of Frederick Edwards 16 Sep 1811 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, aged 9 months, residence Trafalgar Place (ref Ancestry London BMB 1538-1812).

8.   Lucy EDWARDS
Born c1812 at Kensington, Middlesex. There is a gap in the parish records in Ancestry for this church for the whole of 1812 as the records which claim to go up to 1812 actually finish in 1811.
Married 1 Nov 1832 at Saint Nicholas Warwick Parish, Warwickshire, England to Charles LAPWORTH (ref FamilySearch M0185206). Charles was born 28 Mar 1801, bap 6 Apr 1801 at St Nicholas, Warwick, son of James & Alice Lapworth (ref FamilySearch).
Note that 5 of the photographs (16,30,33,38,54) in the
Photo Album were taken in Warwick and may be of the Lapworth family.

Ref 1841 census. Gloucestershire, England. Civil parish of Winchcomb. Address: Chandos Street, Winchcomb.
Together with children Charles (8), Jane (5) and a female servant:
Charles Lapworth. Age 35. Not born in Gloucestershire.
Lucy Lapworth. Age 25. Not born in Gloucestershire.

Ref 1851 census. Gloucestershire, England. Civil Parish of Winchcomb. Address: Chandos St, Winchcomb.
Together with children Fanny (7), Alice (6), Maria (4), Kate (2), Lucy's nephew Frederick Hemsley (11) and a boarder and a servant:
Charles Lapworth. Head. Mar. Age 50. Master of Grammar School. Born Warwick, St Nicholas.
Lucy Lapworth. Wife. Mar. Age 39. Born Middlesex, Kensington.

Ref 1861 census. Gloucestershire, England. Civil Parish of Winchcomb. Address: Chandos Street, Grammar School.
Together with children Maria N (14), Alfred W (10), Louisa A (6), Lucy's nephew Henry Edwards (14) and Charles' nephew James F Lapworth (12):
Charles Lapworth. Head. Mar. Age 60. Schoolmaster. Born Warwickshire, Warwick.
Lucy Lapworth. Wife. Mar. Age 49. Born Middlesex, London.

Ref 1871 census. Gloucestershire, England. Civil Parish of Winchcomb. Address: Chandos St, Winchcomb.
Together with children Maria A (23), Kate E (21), Louisa A (17) and 2 boarders:
Charles Lapworth. Head. Mar. Age 70. Schoolmaster. Born Warwick, St Nicholas.
Lucy Lapworth. Wife. Mar. Age 59. Schoolmaster's wife. Born Middlesex, Kensington.

Death reg of Charles Lapworth Sep qtr 1871 at Lambeth dist aged 70 (ref FreeBMD).
"LAPWORTH Charles. Effects under £1,000. 22 August. The Will of Charles Lapworth late of Winchcomb in the County of Gloucester Schoolmaster who died 4 July 1871 at Lambeth in the County of Surrey was proved at Gloucester by Lucy Lapworth of Winchcomb Widow the Relict the sole Executrix."

Death reg of Lucy Lapworth Mar qtr 1881 at Warwick dist aged 69 (ref FreeBMD).
"LAPWORTH Lucy. Personal Estate under £1,000. 29 April. The Will of Lucy Lapworth formerly of Winchcombe in the County of Gloucester but late of Emscote in the Parish of St. Nicholas Warwick in the County of Warwick Widow who died 20 March 1881 at Emscote was proved at the Principal Registry by Charles Lapworth of London-street Norfolk-square Hyde Park in the County of Middlesex Hosier the Son one of the Executors."

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

  1. Charles LAPWORTH born c1834 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  2. Charlotte Jane LAPWORTH born c1836 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  3. Lucy Fanny LAPWORTH born 1843 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  4. Alice Maud LAPWORTH born 1844 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  5. Maria Augusta LAPWORTH born 1846 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  6. Kate E. LAPWORTH born c1849 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  7. Alfred Walter LAPWORTH born c1851 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire  
  8. Louisa Agnes LAPWORTH born 1855 at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire
9.   Charles John EDWARDS
Born 1 Sep 1813, bap 12 Dec 1813 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, Charles John, son of William & Maria Edwards, residence Trafalgar Place, Servant (ref Ancestry London baps 1813-1906).

Ref 1841 census. Middlesex, England. Civil parish of St James. Address: Piccadilly.
Together with his first cousin Robert Edwards (20), several other linen drapers and servants:
Charles Edwards. Age 25. Linen Draper. Born in Middlesex.
[See below regarding this partnership.]

Married 31 August 1843 at the Church in the Parish of St James Westminster to Elizabeth JENNINGS. Both parties were of full age, bachelor and spinster. He was a draper of 17 Piccadilly, son of William Edwards, Park Keeper. She was of 13 Regent St, dau of John Jennings, farmer. The marriage was reg Sep qtr 1843 at St James Westminster District. She was born c1814 at Dalham, Cambridgeshire.

There were at different times business relationships between Thomas Creed, Thomas Edwards, Charles Edwards and Robert Edwards, all of this generation. Thomas married Mary Edwards, dau of James Edwards and Elizabeth Nottage in 1846; Thomas Edwards was Mary's brother, and who may have married Elizabeth Creed c1831; Charles John Edwards was 9th child of William Edwards and Maria Greenway; Robert Edwards was 5th child of John Stuart Edwards and Amelia.

Ref London Gazette, 21 Feb 1845, page 573:
"London, February 15, 1845. The Partnership subsisting between Charles and Robert Edwards, Haberdashers, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. Charles Edwards. Robert Edwards." [First cousins.]

In the 1851 census records, Charles seems to be listed twice.
Ref 1851 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Frant. Address: Frant Road, Frant.
Together with dau Kate (6):
Charles Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 37. Mercer, Draper, Hosier etc. Born Middlesex, Kensington.
Elizabeth Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 37. Born Cambridgeshire, Dalham.
Ref 1851 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Speldhurst. Town of Tunbridge Wells. Address: London House, near Parade, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells.
In a business employing 26 people, and including Charles Lapworth (17), Fanny Hemsley (38), Jane Lapworth (15), Fanny Hemsley (13) - all other family members:
Note that this is the same business that was being run in 1861 by Edward Millard (see generation 4).
Charles Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 36. Draper etc. Born Middlesex.

Ref 1861 census. Middlesex, England. Civil Parish of Paddington. Address: 10 Newton Road, Paddington.
In the home of Stephen Burden (41) Silk Mercer:
Charles Edwards. Visitor. Mar. Age 47. Retired Draper. Born Middlesex, Kensington.
Elizabeth Edwards. Visitor. Mar. Age 47. Born Cambridgeshire, Dalham.

Thomas (see above, Charles's first cousin) died in 1861.
"EDWARDS Thomas. Effects under £6,000. Resworn at the Stamp Office January 1863, under £7,000. 12 December. The Will of Thomas Edwards late of 9 Soho-square in the County of Middlesex and of Church-road Watford in the County of Hertford Draper deceased who died 6 November 1861 at Church-road aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Robert Edwards of 41 Leinster-square Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Wine Merchant Edward Millard of London House Tonbridge Wells in the County of Kent Draper and Charles Edwards of Tonbridge Wells aforesaid Gentleman the Executors." [For Robert Edwards, see the page on the descendants of John Stuart Edwards; Edward Millard was Thomas's nephew; Charles John Edwards was Thomas's cousin.]

Edward Millard (his father's cousin's son) died in 1963.
"MILLARD Edward. Effects under £20,000. 10 October. The Will with a Codicil of Edward Millard late of Tunbridge Wells in the Counties of Kent and Sussex Silk Mercer deceased who died 22 September 1863 at Tunbridge Wells aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Thomas Fry of 39 Bishopsgate-street-Within in the City of London Merchant and Charles Edwards of Hungershall Park Tunbridge Wells aforesaid Gentleman the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate) [No relationship found to Thomas Fry; Charles John Edwards was Edward's mother's cousin.]

Ref 1871 census. Surrey, England. Civil Parish of Lambeth St Mary. Address: "No 134" Tulse Hill, Norwood.
Charles Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 57. Retired Draper. Born Kensington.
Elizabeth Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 57. Born Cambridgeshire, Dalham.
Together with 2 servants.

Charles was an executor in 1871 for his son in law, Abraham Day, Kate's husband:
"DAY Abraham Gregory. Effects under £6,000. 8 December. The Will of Abraham Gregory Day formerly of Romsey in the County of Southampton but late of Oak Bank Dorking in the County of Surrey Gentleman who died 24 October 1871 at Oak Bank was proved at the Principal Registry by Charles Edwards of Mount Vernon Tulse Hill Brixton in the County of Surry Gentleman and Kate Day of Oak Bank Widow the Relict two of the Executors. " (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Charles was an executor in 1874 for Thomas Creed, the husband of his cousin Mary Edwards:
"CREED Thomas. Effects under £9,000. 11 November. The Will of Thomas Creed late of the Town and County of Southampton Draper who died 24 October 1874
at 3 Carlton-crescent Southampton was proved at Winchester by Charles John Edwards of 40 St. John's-Wood-park in the County of Middlesex Gentleman
Arthur Isbel of Bishopstoke in the County of Southampton Gentleman and Robert Sale Smith of 7 Belle-Vue-place in the Town of Southampton Draper the Executors." (ref
Ancestry National Probate)

Elizabeth died between 1871 and 1881, there are too many in FreeBMD to distinguish.

Ref 1881 census. London, England. Civil Parish of Marylebone. Address: 40 St Johns Wood Pk, Marylebone.
Together with grandchildren Gertrude Day (14), Florence Day (12) and visitor Lucy Allsop (20) (see generation 3, child of daughter Kate's 2nd husband George Allsop by his first wife), a cook and 2 servants:
Charles J. Edwards. Head. Widr. Age 67. Retired from Business. Born Middx, Kensington.

Ref 1891 census. London, England. Civil Parish of St Marylebone. Address: 40 St Johns Wood Park, St Marylebone.
Together with niece Emily Edwards (46) (dau of brother Henry), grandchildren Gertrude (24), Florence H (22), and Kate Isabel Allsop (16) (listed as Grand Child, but was child of daughter Kate's 2nd husband George Allsop by his first wife), a cook and a servant:
Charles E Edwards. Head. Widr. Age 77. Draper. Born Kensington.

Death of Charles John reg Mar qtr 1894 at Marylebone Dist age 80 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Charles of 40 St. John's-wood-park Middlesex gentleman died 18 February 1894 Probate London 24 April to Frank Millard gentleman Effects £9747 17s. 9d." (ref Ancestry National Probate) [Frank was Charles's first cousin twice removed, see generation 5.]

1841 census

Marriage Cert

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

1891 census
  1. Kate EDWARDS born 1844 at St James's Westminster
10.   Henry EDWARDS (1)
Born Nov 1815 at Kensington. Bap not found.

Burial of Henry Edwards 8 Feb 1816 at Kensington, aged 3 months, residence Trafalgar Place (ref Ancestry London Burials).

11.   Henry EDWARDS (2)
Bap 3 May 1817 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, Henry, son of William & Maria Edwards, residence Trafalgar Place, Servant (ref Ancestry London baps 1813-1906).

Ref 1841 census. Kent, England. Civil parish of Greenwich. Registration District of Greenwich Union. Address: Croom's Hill, Greenwich.
Together with Henry's father Wm Edwards (69) and others:
Emily Pye. Age 18. F.S. Not born in Kent. [Emily married in 1844 Henry Edwards, William's son]
Ref 1841 census. Kent, England. Civil parish of Greenwich. Registration District of Greenwich. Address: Royal Hill, Greenwich.
In the home of William Newsom (40), Shoemaker:
Henry Edwards. Age 24. Shoemaker. Not born in Kent.

In 1843 Henry was the informant for his father's death:
William Edwards died 13 July 1843 at Park Lodge, Greenwich Park, age 70, occupation Under Park Keeper, cause of death Natural Decay, Informant Henry Edwards [son], in attendance, residence No. 14 Royal Hill, Greenwich (ref Death Certificate copy with LS).

Married reg Mar qtr 1844 at Lewisham dist, London of Henry Edwards to Emily PYE (ref FreeBMD). The marriage was on 9 Feb 1844 at the Parish Church in the Parish of Charlton in the County of Kent; Henry was full age, bachelor, Tailor, residence Charlton, son of William Edwards, occupation Page; Emily was full age, spinster, residence Charlton, dau of Henry Pye, Farmer; witnesses Richd West, Maria Collins (ref Death Certificate copy held by LS). Emily was born c1820 at Bulmer or Halstead, Essex (ref census recs). Emily was 6 months pregnant. They moved almost immediately to Greenwich.

At the baptism of dau Emily in 1844 and son Henry in 1847, the address was George Street, Greenwich, and Henry was a Tailor.

Ref 1851 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Greenwich. Address: 24 George St, Greenwich.
Together with children Emily (7), Henry (4), 'no name' (under 1 mo), and a nurse:
Henry Edwards. Head. Marr. Age 34. Undertaker. Born Surrey, Kensington.
Emily Edwards. Wife. Marr. Age 32. Born Essex, Halstead.

At the baptism of the third child on 19 Apr 1951, the child named as Henry but almost certainly Charles, the address was George Street and Henry was an Undertaker.

In 1857 Emily was present at the death of sister in law Charlotte (see above).

No record found in Post Office Directory of Greenwich 1855. Not in Melville Directory 1858.

Death reg of Henry Edwards Sep qtr 1858 at Greenwich dist (ref FreeBMD).
Henry was buried 22 Sep 1858 at Nunhead Cemetery, Linden Grove, Southwark, residence George Street Greenwich, age 41 years (ref Ancestry, London Deaths and Burials, Image). Because space in churchyards was getting filled, several private commercial cemeteries were established between 1832 and 1841 around London, including Nunhead, which is several miles from Greenwich, and in the parish of St Giles, Camberwell. See the website
http://www.fonc.org.uk for more information.

Ref 1861 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Greenwich. Address: 25 George Street, Greenwich.
Emily Edwards. Head. W. Age 41. General Shop Keeper. Born Essex, Bulmer.
Together with 4 lodgers.

Ref 1871 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Greenwich. Address: 15 George St, Greenwich.
Together with son Henry (24) and a lodger:
Emily Edwards. Mother. W. Age 51. Independant. Born Essex, Bulmer.

Ref 1881 census. London, England. Civil Parish of Greenwich. Address: 77 King George St, Greenwich.
Together with dau Emily and a lodger:
Emily Edwards. Head. Wid. Age 61. No occupation. Born Essex.

See Greenwich map on previous page.
Emily not found after 1881.

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

  1. Emily EDWARDS born 1844 at Greenwich, Kent  
  2. Henry EDWARDS born 1846 at Greenwich, Kent  
  3. Charles EDWARDS born 1851 at Greenwich, Kent
12.   George EDWARDS (2)
Born 4 Jun 1818; bap 31 Mar 1819 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, George, son of William & Maria Edwards, residence Trafalgar Place, Servant (ref Ancestry London baps 1813-1906).

Burial of George Edwards 9 Oct 1824 at St Alphege Greenwich, aged 5, residence George St (ref Ancestry London Burials).

13.   Frederick EDWARDS (2)
Bap 29 Apr 1821 at St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, Frederick, son of William & Maria Edwards, residence Trafalgar Place, Servant (ref Ancestry London baps 1813-1906).

Burial of Frederick Edwards 24 Oct 1834 at St Alphege Greenwich, aged 14, residence George St (ref Ancestry London Burials).

    Issue of William Edwards and Maria Biggs  
14.   Maria Matilda EDWARDS
Born 14 Apr 1837; bap 16 Jul 1837 at St Alphage, Greenwich, Kent, Maria Matilda, dau of William & Maria Edwards; George St; Page to Her R.H. Princess Sophia Matilda (ref Ancestry London Baptisms & IGI).

Ref 1841 census. Kent, England. Civil parish of Greenwich. Registration District of Greenwich Union. Address: Room's Hill, Greenwich.
Together with her father and mother:
Matilda Edwards. Age 4. Born in Kent.

Ref 1851 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of St Alphage Greenwich. Registration District of Greenwich. Address: 3 George St, St Alphage Greenwich.
Together with her mother:
Maria M Edwards. Dau. Age 13. Scholar. Born Greenwich, Kent.

Marr reg Dec qtr 1854 at Lewisham dist of Maria Matilda Edwards to William Thomas ASHWIN (ref FreeBMD). The marriage was 1 Nov 1854 at St Mary's Church Lewisham, Kent; she was of minor age, a spinster, residence Montpellier Vale, Blackheath, dau of William Edwards, Page to HRH Princess Gloster; he was of full age, a bachelor, Chymist, residence Montpellier Vale, Blackheath, son of Thomas Ashwin, Gentleman; witnesses Matthew Dix..(?) and Louise Catherine ( ?, words unclear) (ref Ancestry London Marriages). He was born c1827 at Broadway, Worcestershire.

Ref 1861 census. Surrey, England. Civil Parish of Rotherhithe. Registration district of Rotherhithe. Address: 4 Brickley Row, Rotherhithe.
Together with her mother Maria Edwards (59):
William T Ashwin. Head. Mar. Age 34. Chemist and Druggist. Born Broadway Worcestershire.
Maria M Ashwin. Wife. Mar. Age 23. Born Greenwich Kent.

Death reg of Maria Matilda Ashwin Mar qtr 1864 at Reading dist, Berkshire (ref FreeBMD). No probate found.

William not found in 1871 census. There are many possible deaths for him between 1861 and 1871.

IGI record

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

    Issue of John Stuart Edwards and Amelia James  
1.   John James EDWARDS
Born c1810 at Broad Heath, Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales (ref 1851 census).
Baptism not found.

Ref 1841 census. Radnorshire, Wales. Sub-district of Presteigne. Address: Broad Heath, Presteigne.
John J Edwards. Age 30. Farmer. Born in Radnorshire.
Together with a female servant and an ag lab.
John was the only Edwards in 1841 at Broad Heath.

Marr reg Jun qtr 1849 at Hereford etc dist to Jane PEENE (ref FreeBMD). The marriage was in 1849 at St Owen, Hereford; John James was son of John Stuart Edwards; Jane was dau of James G. Peene (ref FamilySearch M13712-2). Jane was born c1822 in London (ref census, no London bap found).

Ref 1851 census. Radnorshire, Wales. Civil Parish of Presteigne. Registration dist of Presteigne. Address: Upper Heath, Presteigne, Radnorshire.
Together with son John J (1), a pupil and 3 servants:
John J Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 41. Farmer. Born Radnorshire Broadheath.
Jane Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 29. Born Middlesex London.

Not found in 1861 census.

Ref 1871 census. Radnorshire, England. Civil Parish of Presteigne. Registration District of Presteigne. Address: Broad Heath Farm, Presteigne.
Together with sons Henry L (15), Charles F (13) and 4 servants:
John J Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 59. Farmer 360 Acres employing 6 men & 3 boys. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Jane Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 48. Farmers Wife. Born Middlesex London.

Ref 1881 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration District of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with nephews R Stuart (29), C J S (12), 3 servants and a waggoner:
John Edwards. Uncle. Mar. Age 70. Gentleman. Born Wales, Radnorshire, Presteigne, Br Heath.
Jane Edwards. Aunt. Mar. Age 58. Lady (Independent Means). Born Middlesex London.
William Edwards. Groom. S. Age 24. Groom. Born Shropshire Stanton Lacy. [Not identified, there are severa possibilities.]

John died 4 May 1890. Death reg of John James Edwards Jun qtr 1890 at Paddington dist aged 81 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS John James. Personal Estate £296 15s. 12 July [1890]. The Will of John James Edwards formerly of 4 Roseford-terrace Rockley-road Shepherd's Bush but late of 40 Elgin-avenue Paddington both in the County of Middlesex Gentleman who died 4 May 1890 at 40 Elgin-avenue was proved at the Principal Registry by John James Stuart Edwards of 20 Princes-street Bishop Auckland in the County of Durham Solicitor the Son the surviving Executor. " (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Jane's death not found.

1841 census

1851 census

1871 census

1881 census

  1. John James Stuart EDWARDS born 1850 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales  
  2. Ada Elizabeth EDWARDS born 1854 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales  
  3. Henry Lee EDWARDS born 1856 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales  
  4. Charles Frederick EDWARDS born 1858 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales  
  5. William Douglas EDWARDS born 1863 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales
2.   Anne EDWARDS
Born c1811 at Broad Heath, Radnorshire, Wales (ref 1851 census).
Baptism not found.

Marr reg Dec qtr 1839 at Ludlow dist of Anne Edwards to Charles Adnam MASON (ref FreeBMD). He was born c1807 in London (ref 1851 census).

Ref 1841 census. Herefordshire, England. Civil parish of Tarrington. Registration District of Ledbury Union. Address: The Vine, Tarrington.
Together with dau Anne (4 mths) and 5 others:
Charles Mason. Age 35. Not born in Herefordshire.
Anne Mason. Age 30. Not born in Herefordshire.

Ref 1851 census. Herefordshire, England. Civil Parish of Tarrington. Registration dist of Ledbury. Address: Vine, Tarrington.
Together with children John S E (9), Charles J (7), Richard S (6), James E (4), Clayton T (3), Amelia S (1) and 5 servants:
Charles A Mason. Head. Mar. Age 44. Land Agent. Born London.
Ref 1851 census. Devon, England. Civil Parish of Tormoham. Registration dist of Newton Abbot. Address: Heber House, Braddons Hill, Tormoham, Torquay.
At the residence of George Colliver (28), Classical Tutor, together with dau Ann E (10):
Ann Mason. Visitor. Marr. Age 40. Land Agent's Wife. Born Radnorshire Broad Heath.

Death reg of Anne Mason Sep qtr 1858 at Hereford dist, Herefordshire, no age given (ref FreeBMD).

"DEATHS. On Friday, Aug. 27th, "in perfect peace", Anne, the beloved wife of Charles Adnam Mason of Tarrington, in this county." (ref British Newspaper Archive, Hereford Journal Wed 1 Sep 1858).

Ref 1861 census. Worcestershire, England. Civil Parish of Great Malvern. Registration District of Upton on Severn. Address: Park Field.
Together with children Ann Elizth (20), John Stuart Edwards (19), Chas James (17) and 4 others:
Chas Adnam Mason. Head. Widower. Age 54. Land Agent R.Vol. Born London.

Charles died 21 Feb 1867. Death reg of Charles Adnam Mason Mar qtr 1867 at Upton dist, Worcestershire aged 60 (ref FreeBMD).

"DEATHS. MASON.- Feb. 21, at Parkfield, Great Malbern, in his 61st year, deeply regretted, Charles Adnam Mason." (ref British Newspaper Archive, Hereford Times Sat 23 Feb 1867)

"DEATH OF MR. MASON, OF MALVERN. - We regret to have to announce the death of Charles Adnam Mason, Esq., of Parkfield, Malvern, which occurred on Thursday last. As steward over the extensive estates of Lady Emily Foley, Mr. Mason was much and deservedly respected by the tenantry, as well as by all who knew him." (ref Worcester Journa. Sat 23 Feb 1867)

"MASON Charles Adnam. Effects under £6,000. Resworn at the Stamp Office January 1869 under £5,000. 12 April [1867]. The Will of the Charles Adnam Mason late of Tarrington in the County of Hereford and of Parkfield Great Malvern in the County of Worcester deceased who died 21 February 1867 at Parkfield aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of John Stuart Edwards Mason of Tarrington aforesaid Land Agent and Richard Smith Mason of 84 Newgate-street in the City of London Solicitor the Sons and Henry Beaumont [brother in law] of Grantham in the County of Lincoln Solicitor the Executors. " (ref Ancestry National Probate)

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

  1. Anne Elizabeth MASON born 1841 at Tarrington, Herefordshire  
  2. John Stuart Edwards MASON born 1842 at Tarrington, Herefordshire  
  3. Charles James MASON born 1843 at Tarrington, Herefordshire  
  4. Richard Smith MASON born 1844 at Tarrington, Herefordshire  
  5. James Edward MASON born 1846 at Tarrington, Herefordshire  
  6. Clayton Turner MASON born 1847 at Tarrington, Herefordshire  
  7. Amelia Sarah MASON born 1849 at Tarrington, Herefordshire
3.   William EDWARDS
Born c1813 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales (ref 1861 census). Baptism not found.
The brothers William, Robert and Charles are linked together by Robert's probate in 1864.

Marr reg Jun qtr 1849 at St Pancras dist of William Edwards to Emily CLARE (ref FreeBMD). Certificate not found in Ancestry.

Ref 1851 census. Middlesex, England. Civil Parish of St Pancras. Registration District of Saint Pancras. Address: 17 Ampton Place, St Pancras, Marylebone.
Together with children William H (2), Florence (3m) and 2 servants:
William Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 38. Silk Merchant & Draper. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Emily Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 33. Born Middlesex St Andrews.

Ref 1861 census. London, England. Address: 36 Upper Bedford Place, St George Bloomsbury.
Together with children William H (12), Florence E (10), Annie G (8), Alice M (6), Ernest I (3), Stanley (7m) and 3 servants:
William Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 48. Silk Mercer. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Emily Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 43. Born Middlesex St Giles.

His brother Robert died in 1864.
"EDWARDS Robert. Effects under £12,000. 9 December. The Will with a Codicil of Robert Edwards late of 41 Leinster-square in the Parish of Paddington in the County of Middlesex Distiller and Wine Merchant deceased who died 6 October 1864 at Leinster-square aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of William Edwards of 36 Upper-Bedford-place Russell-square in the said County DraperEdwards of 2 Norfolk-villas Bayswater in the said County Wholesale Mercer the Brothers and Henry Richard Brett of Holborn in the City of London Distiller and Charles Stuart and Wine Merchant the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Death reg of Emily Edwards Mar qtr 1869 at St Giles dist aged 51 (ref FreeBMD).

Ref 1871 census. London, England. Civil Parish of St George Bloomsbury. Registration District of St Giles. Address: Upper Bedford Place, St George Bloomsbury, London.
Together with children William H (22), Florence E (19), Annie G (18), Alice M (16), Ernest J (13), Stanley (10) and 3 servants:
William Edwards. Head. Wid. Age 58. Retired Merchant & Landowner. Born Radnorshire Presteign.

Ref 1881 census. London, England. Civil Parish of St Giles in the Fields and St George Bloomsbury. Registration District of St Giles. Address: 36 Upper Bedford Pl, St Giles in the Fields and St George Bloomsbury.
Together with sons William Her (38), Ernest J (23), Stanley (20) and 2 servants:
William Edwards. Head. Widower. Age 68. Income from Houses and Dividends. Born Wales, Radnorshire, Presteign.

Ref 1891 census. London, England. Civil Parish of St Paul Deptford. Registration dist of Greenwich. Address: 50 Breakspears Road, St Paul Deptford.
Together with dau Annie G Grundy (38) and her family, and 3 servants:
William Edwards. Father in Law. Widower. Age 78. Living on his own means. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.

Death reg of William Edwards Mar qtr 1898 at Greenwich dist aged 83 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS William of 50 Breakspeare's road Brockley Kent died 26 February 1898 Probate London 15 April to William Herbert Edwards solicitor and the reverend Charles Henry Grundy clerk Effects £9461 0s. 11d." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

1891 census
  1. William Herbert EDWARDS born 1848 at St Andrews, Middlesex  
  2. Florence Emily EDWARDS born 1850 at St Pancras, Middlesex  
  3. Annie Gertrude EDWARDS born 1852 at St Pancras, Middlesex  
  4. Alice Maude EDWARDS born 1854 at St Pancras, Middlesex  
  5. Ernest Jowett EDWARDS born 1858 at St Pancras, Middlesex  
  6. Stanley EDWARDS born 1860 at St Pancras, Middlesex
4.   James EDWARDS
Bap 14 Dec 1815 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales, son of John Stuart & Amelia Edwards, Broadheath, Farmer (ref #1040019 seen by LS).
Further information not certain.

5.   Robert EDWARDS
Born c1818 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales (ref 1861 census).

There were at different times business relationships between Thomas Creed, Thomas Edwards, Charles Edwards and Robert Edwards, all of this generation. Thomas married Mary Edwards, dau of James Edwards and Elizabeth Nottage in 1846; Thomas Edwards was Mary's brother, and who may have married Elizabeth Creed c1831; Charles John Edwards was 9th child of William Edwards and Maria Greenway; Robert Edwards was 5th child of John Stuart Edwards and Amelia.

Ref 1841 census. Middlesex, England. Civil parish of St James. Registration District of St James Westminster. Address: Piccadilly St James.
Together with his first cousin Charles Edwards (25), several other linen drapers and servants:
Robert Edwards. Age 20. Not born in Middlesex.
[See below regarding this partnership.]

"London, February 15, 1845. The Partnership subsisting between Charles and Robert Edwards, Haberdashers, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. Charles Edwards. Robert Edwards." [First cousins.]
Ref London Gazette 26 Jul 1850 page 2093:
"July 10, 1850. The Partnership lately subsisting between Thomas Creed and Robert Edwards, and carried on under the firm of Creed and Edwards, Linendrapers, Haberdashers &c. &c. at No. 158, High-street, Southampton, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or from the said firm will be received and paid by the said Thomas Creed, on the premises, 158, High-street aforesaid. Thomas Creed, Robert Edwards."

Ref 1851 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of All Saints. Registration District of Southampton. Address: 6 High Street, All Saints, Southampton.
Robert Edwards. Head. Unm. Age 33. Silk Mercer. Born Radnorshire.
Together with many assistants.
[At this time he was living very close to Thomas and Mary Creed, see above, also Draper and Silk Mercer.]
Ref 1851 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of Kilmeston. Registration District of Alresford. Address: Cottage Farm, In the Village, Kilmeston.
At the farm of Henry Budd (59), Farmer of 640 acres employing 30 labourers, with his family and many servants:
Street, Watford.
Emma Budd. Wife. Mar. Age 33. Born Middlesex Mile End.
Clara Brett. Sister In Law. Unm. Age 26. Born Middlesex White Chapel.
Robert Edwards. Visitor. Unm. Age 33. Silk Mercer. Born Radnorshire Presteign.

Marr reg Sep qtr 1851 at W London dist to Clara BRETT (ref FreeBMD); the marriage was 31 Jul 1851 at St Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex; Robert was full age, bachelor, Silk Mercer, of Parish of All Saints Southampton, son of John Stuart Edwards, Farmer; Clara was full age, spinster, of Holborn Bars, dau of Henry Brett, Wine Merchant; witnesses were Henry Brett, Catherine Edwards [sister], Louisa Brett, Sophia Grace (ref Ancestry London Marriages). Clara was born c1825 in London. Clara had a sister Emma Brett who married Henry Budd in 1840 and their daughter Alice is in the 1881 census below (see Ancestry London Marriages).

Between 1858 and 1859, they moved from Southampton to 41 Leinster Square, Paddington where they remained.

Ref 1861 census. London, England. Civil Parish of Paddington. Registration dist of Kensington. Address: 41 Leinster Square, Paddington, Bayswater.
Together with children Walter R (8), Jessie C (4), Lee J (2), John S (2m) and 4 servants:
Robert Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 43. Distiller. Born Radnorshire Pentayn.
Clara Edwards. Wife Mar. Age 36. Born Middlesex London.

In 1863, Robert was an executor for Thomas Edwards, see above.
"EDWARDS Thomas. Effects under £6,000. Resworn at the Stamp Office January 1863, under £7,000. 12 December. The Will of Thomas Edwards late of 9 Soho-square in the County of Middlesex and of Church-road Watford in the County of Hertford Draper deceased who died 6 November 1861 at Church-road aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Robert Edwards of 41 Leinster-square Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Wine Merchant Edward Millard of London House Tonbridge Wells in the County of Kent Draper and Charles Edwards of Tonbridge Wells aforesaid Gentleman the Executors."

Robert died 6 Oct 1864 leaving a substantial fortune. Death reg of Robert Edwards Dec qtr 1864 at Kensington dist, Middlesex (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Robert. Effects under £12,000. 9 December. The Will with a Codicil of Robert Edwards late of 41 Leinster-square in the Parish of Paddington in the County of Middlesex Distiller and Wine Merchant deceased who died 6 October 1864 at Leinster-square aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of William Edwards of 36 Upper-Bedford-place Russell-square in the said County Draper and Charles Stuart Edwards of 2 Norfolk-villas Bayswater in the said County Wholesale Mercer the Brothers and Henry Richard Brett of Holborn in the City of London Distiller and Wine Merchant the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Ref 1871 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Lewisham. Registration District of Lewisham. Address: Peckham Rd, Heathfield House, Lewisham.
Together with children Walter R (18), Jessie C (14), Louise G (9) and Ellen G Edwards (25) listed as governess, daughter of Thomas Edwards and Elizabeth, see above, together with 3 servants:
Clara Edwards. Head. W. Age 46. Independent. Born Middlesex London.
Louisa Higgs. Sister. W. Age 48. Born Middlesex London.

Ref 1881 census. Kent, England. Civil Parish of Lee. Registration District of Lewisham. Address: Wykeham Lo, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee.
Together with children Jessie Clara (24), Lee James (22), Louisa A (19), and niece Alice Budd (32), dau of Clara's sister Emma, together with a cook and servant:
Clara Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 56. Income fr intt on money. Born Middlesex London.
Louisa Higgs. Sister. Widow. Age 58. Income fr intt on money. Born Middlesex London.

Clara died 23 Jul 1888. Death reg of Clara Edwards Sep qtr 1888 at Lewisham dist, Kent aged 63 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Clara. Personal Estate £3331 17s. 9d. 29 August [1888]. The Will with a Codicil of Clara Edwards formerly of 41 Leinster-square Bayswater in the County of Middlesex but late of Northbrook Lodge Burnt-Ash-road Lee in the County of Kent Widow who died 23 July 1888 at Northbrook Lodge was proved at the Principal Registry by Walter Robert Edwards of 6 Tressillian-crescent Upper-Lewisham-road St. John's in the County of Kent Wine Merchant and Lee James Edwards of Northbrook Lodge Auctioneer the Sons the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

  1. Walter Robert EDWARDS born 1853 at Southampton, Hampshire  
  2. Jessie Clara EDWARDS born 1856 at Southampton, Hampshire  
  3. Lee James EDWARDS born 1858 at Southampton, Hampshire  
  4. Henry Brett EDWARDS born 1859 at Paddington, London  
  5. John Stuart EDWARDS born 1861 at Paddington, London  
  6. Louisa Amelia EDWARDS born 1862 at Paddington, London
6.   Richard EDWARDS
Bap 25 Feb 1820 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales, son of John Stuart & Amelia Edwards, Broad Heath (ref #1040019 seen by LS).

Ref 1841 census. Shropshire, England. Civil parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration District of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with his father and 3 siblings:
Richard Edwards. Age 20. Not born in Shropshire.

Marr reg Dec 1850 at Cirencester dist, Gloucestershire of Richard Edwards to Matilda WATKINS (ref FreeBMD). She was born c1829 at Cirencester, Gloucestershire (ref census).

Ref 1851 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration dist of Ludlow. Address: Manor House, Stanton Lacy.
Richard Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 30. Farmer of 230 Acres Employing 8 Labourers. Born Radnorshire Presteign.
Matilda Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 22. Farmers Wife. Born Gloucestershire Cirencester.
Together with a visitor and 2 servants.

Ref 1861 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration District of Ludlow. Address: Stantonlacy Village, Stanton Lacy.
Together with children Richard S (9), Arnold (8), Frank (6), Cathrine Matilda (4), Marian (2), James Sydney (8m) and 5 servants:
Richard Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 40. Farmer of 574 Acres employing 11 labourers 2 boys. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Matilda Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 33. Wife. Born Gloucestershire Cirencester.

Matilda died 1 Dec 1867. Death reg of Matilda Edwards Dec qtr 1867 at Ludlow dist, Shropshire aged 38 (ref FreeBMD) the same quarter as the birth of the last child.
"EDWARDS Matilda. Effects under £100. 12 December [1876 (sic)]. Administration of the effects of Matilda Edwards (Wife of Richard Edwards) late of Stanton Lacy in the County of Salop who died 1 December 1867 at Stanton Lacy was granted at the Principal Registry to Charles Stuart Edwards of 3 Norfolk-terrace Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Gentleman one of the Executors of the Will of the said Richard Edwards." (ref Ancestry National Probate).

Richard died 4 Oct 1869. Death reg of Richard Edwards Dec qtr 1869 at Ludlow dist, Shropshire aged 48 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Richard. Effects under £4,000. 24 November [1870]. The Will of Richard Edwards late of Stanton Lacy in the County of Salop Gentleman deceased who died 4 October 1869 at Stanton Lacy aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Charles Stuart Edwards of Norfolk-terrace Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Warehouseman the Brother one of the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

  1. Richard Stuart EDWARDS born 1851 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  2. Arnold Lee Edward EDWARDS born 1853 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  3. Francis Henry EDWARDS born 1854 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  4. Kathleen Matilda EDWARDS born 1856 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  5. Marian EDWARDS born 1859 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  6. James Sidney EDWARDS born 1860 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  7. Amelia Jane EDWARDS born 1864 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  8. Charles James Sidney EDWARDS born 1867 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire
7.   Edward EDWARDS (1)
Bap 25 Dec 1821 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales, son of John Steward & Amelia Edwards, Broad Heath, Farmer (ref #1040019 seen by LS).

8.   Amelia EDWARDS
Bap 8 Jan 1823 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, wales, dau of John Stewart & Amelia Edwards, Broad Heath, Farmer (ref #1040019 seen by LS).

Ref 1841 census. Shropshire, England. Civil parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration District of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with her father and 3 siblings:
Amelia Edwards. Age 15. Not born in Shropshire.

Marr reg Jun qtr 1849 at Ludlow dist of Amelia Edwards to James HORSBURGH (ref FreeBMD). James was born 24 Dec 1821, bap 31 Jan 1822 at Dulwich College, Dulwich, London, son of James Horsburg & Elizabeth (ref FamilySearch). He was born at Herne Hill, Surrey (ref census).

Ref 1851 census. Herefordshire, England. Civil Parish of Lugwardine 2nd Part. Registration dist of Hereford. Address: Tidnor House, Lugwardine 2nd Part.
Together with her mother and 4 servants:
James Horsburgh. Head. Mar. Age 29. Proprietor of Houses. Born Surrey Herne Hill.
Amelia Horsburgh. Wife. Mar. Age 27. Proprietor of Houses. Born Radnorshire Presteign.

Ref 1861 census. Lancashire, England. Civil Parish of Ulverston. Registration District of Ulverston. Address: Oubas House, East Oubas, Ulverston.
Together with children James H (8), James M (7), Edward L S (3), a governess and 3 servants.
James Horsburgh. Head. Mar. Age 39. Clerk in Orders Curate of Trinity Church. Born Surrey Hern Hill.
Amelia Horsburgh. Wife. Mar. Age 37. Clerks Wife. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.

Ref 1871. Nottinghamshire, England. Civil Parish of Ilkeston. Registration District of Basford. Address: Market Place, East Side, Ilkeston.
Together with children James H (18), Cecil W (6) and niece Amy E S Edwards (8), and 2 servants:
James Horsburgh. Head. Age 49. Vicar of Ilkeston. Born London.
Amelia Horsburgh. Wife. Age 47. Born Radnorshire.

Amelia died 15 Jan 1881. Death reg of Amelia Horsburgh Mar qtr 1881 at Catherington dist, Hampshire aged 57 (ref FreeBMD).
"HORSBURGH Amelia. Personal Estate £396 6s. 13 July [1889]. Administration of the Personal Estate of Amelia Horsburgh (Wife of the Reverend James Horsburgh, Clerk) late of the Vicarage Waterlooville in the County of Southampton who died 15 January 1881 at the Vicarage was granted at the Principal Registry to the said Reverend James Horsburgh of the Vicarage." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Ref 1881 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of Waterloo. Registration District of Catherington. Address: The Vicarage, Waterloo.
Together with a servant:
James Horsburgh. Head. Widower. Age 59. Vicar Waterloo. Born Surrey Herne Hill.

Ref 1891 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of Waterloo. Registration District of Catherington. Address: The Vicarage, Waterloo Road, Waterloo.
At the home of James Rattenbury (65), Draper, and wife:
James Horsburgh. Boarder. Age 69. Clerk in Holy Orders Church of England. Born Surrey Herne Hill.

Death reg of James Horsburgh Mar qtr 1899 at Eastbourne dist, Sussex aged 77 (ref FreeBMD). No probate.
Curiously, this family had two children named James who both lived into adulthood.

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

1891 census
  1. Amy Eliza HORSBURGH born 1851 at Lugwardine, Herefordshire  
  2. James Heywood HORSBURGH born 1852 at Lugwardine, Herefordshire  
  3. James Macdonald HORSBURGH born 1854 at Peckham, Surrey  
  4. Edward Lee Stuart HORSBURGH born 1858 at Stanton Lacy, Shropshire  
  5. Cecil Waldegrave HORSBURGH born 1864 at Ilkeston, Derbyshire
9.   Catherine EDWARDS
Bap 9 Dec 1824 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales, dau of John Steward & Amelia Edwards Broad Heath Farmer (ref #1040019 seen by LS)
Not found in 1841 census.

Ref 1851 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration dist of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with her father and 2 siblings:
Catherine Edwards. Dau. Unm. Age 25 [indexed in fmp as 35]. Daughter. Born Radnorshire Presteign.

She was a witness at the marriage of her brother Robert Edwards to Clara Brett in Sep qtr 1851.

No further information found.

1851 census

10.   Edward EDWARDS (2)
Bap 28 Sep 1826 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales, son of John Stew. & Amelia Edwards, Broad Heath, Farmer (ref #1040019 seen by LS)

There are several possibilities for 1841.
Ref 1851 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration dist of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with his father and 2 siblings:
Edward Edwards. Son. Unm. Age 23. Farmer. Born Radnorshire Presteign.

Edward was an executor for his father in 1860.
"EDWARDS John Stuart. Effects under £300. 30 July [1860]. Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed) of the Personal estate and effects of John Stuart Edwards late of Stanton Lacey in the County of Salop Gentleman deceased who died 6 July 1860 at Stanton Lacey aforesaid were granted at Shrewsbury to Edward Edwards of Boreton in the said County Farmer one of the Children of the said Deceased he having been first sworn." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Marr reg Jun qtr 1860 at Ludlow dist, Shropshire of Edward Edwards to Maria Mansell ROBERTS (ref FreeBMD). She was bap 2 Jan 1835 at Oswestry, Shropshire, dau of William & Eliza Roberts (ref FamilySearch). She was born c1834 (ref census).

Ref 1861 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Condover. Registration District of Atcham. Address: Boreton, Condover.
Edward Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 34. Farmer of 325 acres employing 3 men 3 boys and 4 women. Born Radnorshire.
Maria Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 25. Farmers Wife. Born Radnorshire Oswestry.
Together with 2 visitors and 5 servants.

Ref 1871 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Condover. Registration District of Atcham. Address: Boreton, Condover.
Together with children Ellen (5), Amelia (3), Edward Bennion (2), infant dau (3 mths), and her sister Sarah E Roberts (40), and a nurse and 5 servants:
Edward Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 44. Farmer of 336 acres employing 8 lab & 4 boys. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Maria Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 36. Farmers Wife. Born Shropshire Oswestry.

Edward died 14 Sep 1875. Death reg of Edward Edwards Sep qtr 1875 at Atcham dist, Shropshire aged 48 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Edward. Effects under £2,000. 19 June [1876]. The Will of Edward Edwards late of Boreton in the Parish of Condover in the County of Salop Farmer who died 14 September 1875 at Boreton was proved at the Principal Registry by John Evans Mansell of the Jay House Leintwardine in the said County Farmer and William Herbert Edwards of 36 Upper-Bedford-place Russell-square in the County of Middlesex Solicitor the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate) [William Herbert Edwards was his nephew.]

Ref 1881 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Condover. Registration District of Atcham. Address: Boreton Farm, Condover.
Together with children J M Stewart (19), A E Stewart (18), F E Stewart (15), M A Steward (13), Edith Stewart (10), R L Stewart (8), her sister Sarah E Roberts (56), and nephew E L S Horsburgh (23), together with 4 servants:
Maria M Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 47. Farmer of 350 acres employing 3 men & 1 boy. Born Shropshire Oswestry.

Ref 1891 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Candover. Registration District of Atcham. Address: Boreton House, Condover Grove.
Together with children Amy S (26), Elleanor S (24), Marie S (21), Edith S (19), Reginald S (17), nephew Charles J Edwards (23), sister Sarah E Roberts, listed as Edwards (6), visitor Mary Mansell (33) and 5 servants:
Maria M Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 53. Farmer. Born Shropshire Oswestry.

Ref 1901 census. Shropshire, England. Civil parish of Grinshill. Registration District of Wem. Address: Higher House, Grinshill.
Together with daus Amy Stuart (28), Eleanor Stuart (26), sister Sarah Eleanor Roberts (70), relative Mary Mansell (35), and 3 servants:
Maria Stuart Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 60. Living on own means. Born Salop Oswestry.

Ref 1911 census. Shropshire, England. Parish of Grinshill. Registration district of Wem. Address: Higher House Grinshill Shrewsbury.
Together with daus Amy E Stuart (48), Eleanor Stuart (45), Edith Hunt (40), grandchildren Edward Victor Hunt (5), Marie K Hunt (4), sister Eleanor A Roberts (75) and 2 servants:
Maria M Stuart Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 77. Private Means. Born Oswestry Shropshire. Children 8 born 8 alive.

Maria died 1 Jan 1915. Death reg of Maria M Edwards Mar qtr 1915 at Wem dist, Shropshire aged 80 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Maria Mansell Stuart of The Higher House Grinshill Shropshire widow died 1 January 1915 Probate Shrewsbury 5 March to John Mansell Stuart Edwards schoolmaster and Amy Eliza Stuart Edwards spinster. Effects £1800 9s. 6d." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

1891 census

1901 census

1911 census
  1. John Mansell Stuart EDWARDS born 1861 at Condover, Shropshire  
  2. Amy Eliza Stuart EDWARDS born 1862 at Condover, Shropshire  
  3. William Doran Stuart EDWARDS born 1864 at Condover, Shropshire  
  4. Frances Eleanor Stuart EDWARDS born 1866 at Condover, Shropshire  
  5. Marie Amelia Stuart EDWARDS born 1867 at Condover, Shropshire  
  6. Edward Bennion Stuart EDWARDS born 1869 at Condover, Shropshire  
  7. Edith Stuart EDWARDS born 1871 at Condover, Shropshire  
  8. Reginald Lee Stuart EDWARDS born 1872 at Condover, Shropshire
11.   Charles Stuart EDWARDS
Bap 10 Jan 1829 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales, son of John Stuart & Amelia Edwards, Broad Heath, Farmer (ref #1040019 seen by LS).

Ref 1841 census. Shropshire, England. Civil parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration District of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with his father and 3 siblings:
Charles Edwards. Age 12. Not born in Shropshire.

Ref 1851 census. Middlesex, England. Civil Parish of St Andrew Holborn Above Bars. Registration District of Holborn. Address: 324 & 325, Holborn, St Andrew Holborn Above Bars, Finsbury.
C Stuart Edwards. head. Unm. Age 22. Silk Mercer. Born Hereford, Broad Heath, Presteigne.
Together with a house keeper and 13 other staff.

Ref 1861 census. London, England. Civil Parish of St Mary Abbots Kensington. Registration District of Kensington. Address: 2 Norfolk Villas, St Mary Abbots Kensington.
Together with his mother and aunt and 2 servants:
Charles S Edwards. Head. Age 32. Merchant Scotch & Yorkshire Goods. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Ref 1861 census. London, England. Civil Parish of -. Registration dist of Kensington. Address: 10 Sussex Terrace.
At the business of John Beard (32), Lace Ribbon & Fancy:
Margaret Skene [sic]. Serv. Unm. Age 19. Ap [presumably apprentice to Milliner]. Born Middlesex London.

Charles' brother Robert died in 1864.
"EDWARDS Robert. Effects under £12,000. 9 December. The Will with a Codicil of Robert Edwards late of 41 Leinster-square in the Parish of Paddington in the County of Middlesex Distiller and Wine Merchant deceased who died 6 October 1864 at Leinster-square aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of William Edwards of 36 Upper-Bedford-place Russell-square in the said County Draper and Charles Stuart Edwards of 2 Norfolk-villas Bayswater in the said County Wholesale Mercer the Brothers and Henry Richard Brett of Holborn in the City of London Distiller and Wine Merchant the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Marr reg Sep qtr 1866 at Kensington dist of Charles Stuart Edwards to Margaret Amelia SKEEN (ref FreeBMD); the marriage was 30th Aug 1866 at the Parish Church in the Parish of St Matthew Bayswater; Charles was full age, Bachelor, Gentleman, residence 57 Leinster Square, son of John Stuart Edwards, Gentleman; Margaret was full age, Spinster, residence Box, Wiltshire, dau of Richard Morrison Skeen, Gentleman; Charles signed himself Stuart Edwards; witnesses were Thos Woodgate and Louisa ... Woodgate (ref Ancestry London Marriages). Richard Morrison Skeen was born about 1815 and died in 1855 at Lambeth district (ref Ancestry).
Birth reg of Margaret Skene Mar qtr 1843 at Hackney dist (ref FreeBMD).

Had Margaret gone down to Box in connection with the Greenway family?

Charles' brother Richard died in 1869.
"EDWARDS Richard. Effects under £4,000. 24 November [1870]. The Will of Richard Edwards late of Stanton Lacy in the County of Salop Gentleman deceased who died 4 October 1869 at Stanton Lacy aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Charles Stuart Edwards of Norfolk-terrace Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Warehouseman the Brother one of the Executors." (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Ref 1871 census. London, England. Civil Parish of Kensington. Registration District of Kensington. Address: Norfolk Terrace, Kensington.
Charles S Edwards. Head. Age 42. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.
Margaret A Edwards. Wife. Age 29. Born Middlesex London.

In 1871 Charles was an Administrator for the estate of his aunt Ann Elizabeth Deacon:
"DEACON Ann Elizabeth. Effects under £450. 13 September [1871]. Administration of the effects of Ann Elizabeth Deacon late of Ilkeston in the County of Derby Widow who died 30 June 1871 at Ilkeston was granted at the Principal Registry to Charles Stuart Edwards of Norfolk-terrace Bayswater in the County of Middlesex Warehouseman the Nephew and one of the Persons entitled in Distribution." (ref Ancestry National Probate).

Ref 1881 census. Middlesex, England. Civil Parish of Hanwell. Registration dist of Brentford.Source. Address: 8 Park Ter, Hanwell.
Charles S Edwards. Head. Mar. Age 52. Agent (Woolen & Cloth). Born Radnorshire, Presteigne.
Margaret A Edwards. Wife. Mar. Age 39. Born St James London.
Together with a servant.

Charles died 30 Sep 1886. Death reg of Charles Stuart Edwards Dec qtr 1886 at Hastings dist aged 57 (ref FreeBMD).
"EDWARDS Charles Stuart. Personal Estate £828 10s. 9d. 9 December. The Will of Charles Stuart Edwards formerly of 3 Norfolk-terrace Bayswater in the County of Middlesex but late of 2 Aspley-road Wandsworth in the County of Surrey Cloth Merchant who died 30 September 1886 at 42 Wellington-square Hastings in the County of Sussex was proved at the Principal Registry by Margaret Amelia Edwards of 2 Apsley-road [Aspley Road is the correct spelling] Widow the Relict one of the Executors. " (Ancestry National Probate)

Margaret not found in 1891 census.
Ref 1901 census. Hampshire, England. Civil Parish of Southbourne. Registration District of Christchurch. Address: Belle Vue Road, Southbourne.
Margaret A Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 59. Living on own means. Born London.

Ref 1911 census. Surrey, England. Parish of Teddington. Registration district of Kingston. Address: 77 Kingston Road Surrey.
Margaret Amelia Edwards. Head. Widow. Age 69. None - own housekeeper. Born St James Bermondsey.

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

1901 census

1911 census
12.   Elizabeth EDWARDS
Born c1833 at Presteigne, Radnorshire, Wales (ref census). However the notebook (see below) states that she was born 10 Apr 1831.

Ref 1841 census. Shropshire, England. Civil parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration District of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with her father and 3 siblings:
Elizabeth Edwards. Age 9. Not born in Shropshire.

Ref 1851 census. Shropshire, England. Civil Parish of Stanton Lacy. Registration dist of Ludlow. Address: Stanton Lacy.
Together with her father and 2 siblings:
Elizabeth Edwards. Dau. Unm. Age 18. Daughter. Born Radnorshire Presteign.

Marr reg Sep qtr 1855 at Ludlow dist, Shropshire of Elizabeth Edwards to Henry BEAUMONT (ref FreeBMD). Henry was baptised 4 Jul 1830 at Winthorpe, Nottinghamshire, son of George Beaumont and Ann (ref FamilySearch C05424-1). Other siblings were Theodosia bap 1822, Richard Henry bap 1824, George bap 1825, John Walter bap 1828. [Edward Beaumont (2013 contact) is descended from the brother George. In Edward's family archive is a notebook kept by Ann Beaumont which records some information quoted elsewhere. Elizabeth's marriage date is given as 25 Sep, no year given.]

Ref 1861 census. Lincolnshire, England. Civil Parish of Grantham. Registration District of Grantham. Address: 19 Watergate, Grantham.
Together with children Henry Stuart (2), George Walter Glynn (1), Henry's brother Thomas Elliott Beaumont (22), Articled Clerk, and Elizabeth's nephew Richard Smith Mason (16), Articled Clerk [son of Anne], together with 4 servants:
Henry Beaumont. Head. Mar. Age 30. Solicitor. Born Nottinghamshire Winthorpe.
Elizabeth Beaumont. Wife. Mar. Age 27. Born Radnorshire Presteigne.

In 1867 Henry was an executor for his brother in law Charles Adnam Mason:
"MASON Charles Adnam. Effects under £6,000. Resworn at the Stamp Office January 1869 under £5,000. 12 April [1867]. The Will of the Charles Adnam Mason late of Tarrington in the County of Hereford and of Parkfield Great Malvern in the County of Worcester deceased who died 21 February 1867 at Parkfield aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of John Stuart Edwards Mason of Tarrington aforesaid Land Agent and Richard Smith Mason of 84 Newgate-street in the City of London Solicitor the Sons and Henry Beaumont of Grantham in the County of Lincoln Solicitor the Executors. " (ref Ancestry National Probate)

Death reg of Elizabeth Beaumont Dec qtr 1870 at Grantham dist aged 37 (ref FreeBMD).

Ref 1871 census. Lincolnshire, England. Civil Parish of Grantham. Registration District of Grantham. Address: 19&20 Watergate, Grantham.
Together with sons Henry S (12), George W G (11), Arthur L (4), Charles E (1), nieces Anne E Mason (30), Amelia S Mason (21) and 3 servants:
Henry Beaumont. Head. Wid. Age 40. Solicitor. Born Nottinghamshire Winthorpe.

Henry married (2) marr reg Jun qtr 1872 at W Derby dist, Lancashire to Elizabeth Ann LEWIS (ref FreeBMD).

Ref 1881 census. Lincolnshire, England. Civil Parish of Grantham. Registration District of Grantham. Address: 19 Watergate, Grantham.
Together with their children Lewis Grote Beaumont (7), everilde Anne Beaumont (3), Mary Beaumont (1) and 4 servants:
Henry Beaumont. Head. Mar. Age 50. Solc Clerk of the Peace for Grantham Coroner - (?). Born Nottinghamshire Winthorpe.
Elizabeth Ann Beaumont. Wife. Mar. Age 38. Solicitors Wife. Born Lancashire Liverpool.

Death reg of Henry Beaumont Dec qtr 1882 at Grantham dist aged 52 (ref FreeBMD).
"BEAUMONT Henry. Personal Estate £3,953 8s. 6d. 14 February [1883]. The Will of Henry Beaumont late of Grantham in the County of Lincoln Solicitor who died 7 October 1882 at Grantham was proved at the Principal Registry by Elizabeth Ann Beaumont of Grantham Widow the Relict the sole Executrix." (ref Ancestry National probate)

1841 census

1851 census

1861 census

1871 census

1881 census

    Children of Henry Beaumont & Elizabeth Edwards:  
  1. Henry Stuart BEAUMONT born 1858 at Grantham, Lincolnshire  
  2. George Walter Glynne BEAUMONT born 1860 at Grantham, Lincolnshire  
  3. Percy Horsburgh BEAUMONT born 1861 at Grantham, Lincolnshire  
  4. Ethel Elizabeth BEAUMONT born 1864 at Grantham, Lincolnshire  
  5. Arthur Leslie BEAUMONT born 1866 at Grantham, Lincolnshire  
  6. Charles Emlyn BEAUMONT born 1869 at Grantham, Lincolnshire  


Last modified 25 Feb 2025